The 18th "Spring Festival" rocked the Town Hall Square

On May 16, the "Spring Festival" organized by Vytautas Magnus University Student Representations (VDU SA) took place, dedicated to the youth and community of Kaunas. This year, the motto of the festival is "designed to create", so every participant of the festival could reveal their creativity.
Red Bull's leisure zone, VDU AJMD's "Modusas" experiments, VR Shop's virtual reality activities, "Juchna's braids" and henna tattoo workshop. Festival participants also competed in the OHO crossword tournament. The discussions attracted a lot of attention: representatives of the international youth organization "AIESEC" talked about volunteering, Gintarė Krutinytė-Rugpjutis and Ugnė Vertelytė ("Pineapple Travels") talked about trips. The girls shared advice on how to dare to travel alone, what to say to parents who don't understand why they want to spend a year in another country and what direction to choose. "The fear of traveling alone is usually just the fear of being alone," revealed G. Krutinytė.
A basketball 3×3 match was held in Santaka Park, where as many as 18 teams registered. The winners of the three prize places were given invitations to the maze of tasks "Mazebrain", the kart track "Kartlandas", the "Rio" sports arena, the "Girstucios" sports complex, the "Arena billiards" billiard club and a box of "Go green" drinks.
The evening was crowned by the closing concert with "Beside the Pool", "Flash Voyage", "Baltuoj Kirus" and Jurgis Didziulis. During the concert, the winners of the "Spring Festival" were also awarded Facebook winners of contests held in the account. VMU student Nijolė Bertašiūtė collected two tickets to the summer festival "Galapagai", and the participants of the festival dressed in yellow accents had the opportunity to win a "Giga" kebab for themselves and their friend.
"We are very happy that the festival attracts more and more people every year: the Great Hall of VDU was full for the screening of Donat Ulvyda's film "The Secret of the State" held on the eve of the event, and those who took part in the closing concert filled the entire Town Hall Square, - says festival coordinator Monika Terzytė. "Of course, the most important thing is people's smiling faces and emotions that you won't experience anywhere else."
"Spring Festival" has been organized since 2001 and every year this event focuses on a topic relevant to young people at that time, according to which activities are prepared.