Visual impairment did not stop Rasa Beatrice from pursuing her dreams

Rasa Beatričė Urbonaitė, a graduate of Vytautas Magnus University (VDU), completed her bachelor's studies in Social Work and is currently pursuing a master's degree in Music Therapy at Vilnius University. Volunteering, music and traveling are important in her life. The girl has a visual disability, but she does not remember a single case when it would have prevented her from pursuing her dreams.
Why did you decide to volunteer?
It is quite difficult for disabled people to get a job, especially without qualifications, because many employers get scared when they see the diagnoses written on paper and think that they cannot trust us. As a result, I did not look for a job during my undergraduate studies, but I wanted to spend my free time meaningfully.
Tell us about your volunteer experience.
I have volunteered in various camps, in the Kaunas hospice, where people living in their own homes with incurable diseases are visited, and in the "Arkas" community for people with intellectual disabilities.
These experiences gave me a lot of good emotions. Since I had to interact with people who have a different disability than myself in "Arka", I learned patience. They also taught me the importance of being real, not putting on a mask, not pretending.
Music accompanies you in life. How did you find her?
As a child, my parents noticed that I had an ear and encouraged me to sing in various groups and choirs both in kindergarten and at school. Before entering the VMU, I graduated from the Vilnius Conservatory, and sang in the academic choir "Vivere Cantus" at the university. I currently sing in the Lithuanian Youth Days choir.
Singing gives me the opportunity to reveal myself, show my talent to others and thus make people happy.
You travel a lot. What does this experience give you?
Yes, I have visited 27 European countries. Traveling gives me a sense of independence. Before going to live abroad for the first time, to Slovenia, I felt a great fear: how will I cope, how will I find what I need? But stepping out of my comfort zone helped me realize that I'm capable of more than I think.

Has visual impairment. Has it ever stopped you from doing the things you want to do?
No, there was no such case. However, I have an old dream of going to the United States of America to volunteer. I haven't been able to do it yet due to changes in life plans, but I hope to fulfill this dream.
What are you most grateful for?
For the fact that everything in my life turned out exactly like that, for the people around me. In particular, I am grateful to my parents, who took a bold step in deciding my future and sent me to a general education school instead of a special school. I experienced everything there, there was bullying, but I learned independence and it helps me a lot now.