Applications for state and state-sponsored loans are registered

State study fund (VSF) announces the deadline for accepting applications for state loans and state-supported loans for the autumn semester of 2013/2014 - applications are accepted until this year. September 27 days.

The right to receive state loans, in accordance with Description of the procedure for granting, administering and repaying state loans and state-supported loans to students, are available to first-cycle, integrated studies and second-cycle students of Lithuanian state higher education institutions, and state-supported loans are also available to third-cycle and non-degree study programs.

The following loans will be provided to students in the fall semester of this academic year:
· state loans for paying tuition fees – granted to students who enrolled in higher education institutions before 2009;
· state-backed loans:
and to pay tuition fees – the loan amount cannot exceed the tuition fees paid by the student;
and to cover living expenses – the amount of loans provided in the autumn semester cannot exceed 25 basic social benefits (BSI) – 3,250 litas;
and to support partial studies under international agreements - the loan amount per year of study cannot exceed 60 BSIs - 7,800 litas.

Applications for state and state-sponsored loans must be completed online. If, when completing the application, criteria are indicated that give priority to receiving a loan or paying interest from state funds, the student or his authorized person (link to the power of attorney form) Must submit documents to the State Study Fund proving compliance with the above criteria.

The list of students who are offered contracts for state and state-supported loans is scheduled to be published on October 16 of this year.

More information:
Office of Student Affairs
• S. Daukanto St. 27 – 210, 212, 44249 Kaunas
• Phone (8 37) 327 977, (8 37) 751 175
• Fax (8 37) 327 977
• Email
• Internet [ ]Student Affairs Office

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