The Spring Festival destroys the stereotypes of social exclusion!
On May 11-12, the streets of Kaunas will be painted in the brightest colors by the VMU Spring Festival! As every year, the two days will be full of various events, entertainment and fun, but this year we invite you to pay special attention to academic and social events and activities. Most of them will take place on the second day of the festival (May 12).
Academic test. You wrote – you won! This is the first time that an event of this type is being organized, in which all Kaunas residents and guests are invited to participate. Be the first to try it and prove that you are the coolest and best informed about the Lithuanian education system.
Declaration of citizenship. This year we invite you again to contribute to the creation of a civil society during the Closing Concert at Unity Square. Last year, the declaration attracted special interest, and was signed by Maksas from the band "Biplan" and Svaras from "G&G Sindikat".
Blood donation campaign. A traditional Spring Festival event. Come and your blood can save someone's life.
"Nail the problem." Do you have a problem that is bothering you and you have no one to express it to? Come and pin it to the board standing in Student Square!
"Living library". A worldwide initiative is coming to us again. This library breaks stereotypes and negative standards established in society. Don't believe it? Come and try it!
Discussion "Success Story". It's always interesting to listen to inspiring success stories. This time, they will be shared by Aušra Pekerskaitė, a girl born with underdeveloped limbs and currently working successfully as a model. You will be able to ask questions, be interested, and learn everything that is relevant.
Screening and discussion of the film "Philadelphia". A screening of a film exploring a social issue and an engaging discussion. Come, watch and tell us what you think!
"Hey, student, we are all equal!" Are you still plagued by questions about how the blind see, how the deaf hear, how the unable to walk walk, but you don't dare to ask? Come to Unity Square at 4 p.m. before the Closing Concert and find out everything. Eliminate all question marks and stereotypes about people with disabilities.
More information about the festival can be found here. or On the Facebook page.