Approved concessions for dormitory residents

The Rector of Vytautas Magnus University (VDU) confirmed it yesterday order, according to which from m. April 1 until June 30 VDU students living in VDU dormitories will be subject to a 25% accommodation fee discount in order to reduce the negative impact of the quarantine situation on their well-being. Also, based on the 2% GPM support received by the university, an additional support fund for students experiencing difficulties due to COVID-19 will be established.
During the meeting of the rectorate held on Wednesday, the president of the VDU Student Representation (SA) Paulius Vaitiekus made a proposal to reduce the accommodation fee by 50%. It was not supported by the members of the rectorate, because it was not clearly calculated how many resources such a price reduction would require. To perform the calculations and find the most appropriate solution, a working group was formed, in which the students were represented by Mr. Vaitiekus and the coordinator of the social affairs committee, Ieva Vengrovskaja.
"After making calculations in the working group, the initial proposal of the administration was 15% tax relief," says the president of VDU SA. - We managed to agree not only on a bigger discount, but also on a fund, the funds of which will help students experiencing difficulties due to the coronavirus."
The discount will not be applied from the beginning of the quarantine, but from April 1. "Such a decision was made in order to extend the validity period of the relief. As a result, we had to abandon the first days of quarantine," explains P. Vaitiekus.
Accommodation tax relief is applied to all VMU students living in a dormitory. m. April 1 and at a later date. The recalculation of the accommodation tax will be carried out in the following order:
- if a VDU student has paid the accommodation fee assigned to him for the month of April, after recalculating the fee, he will have an overpayment of 25 % of the paid fee;
- if a VDU student has not paid the accommodation fee assigned to him for the month of April, after recalculating the fee, his fee payment will be reduced by 25 %;
- if a VMU student has moved out of the dormitory š. m. April 1 or later depending on whether he has paid the accommodation tax or not, after recalculation of the tax, he will have an overpayment of the accommodation tax or the tax payable will be reduced by 25 %.
The recalculation of the accommodation tax will be carried out until m. April 17 In the "Fee" section, without additionally informing students about it, we invite you to observe the changes. May and June the amount of accommodation fees will be assigned after the 25 % benefit has already been assessed.
In the event of financial difficulties, the possibility of delaying tax payment deadlines remains. In this case, you need to contact the Student Center (SRD) by e-mail. by mail