Support for student organizations of the university
Vytautas the Great University Statute announces that the university, according to the procedure established by the University Council, supports the Student Representation and other student organizations, allocates premises and funds to finance their activities, as well as allocates funds for cultural, sports and social activities of students. Pursuant to this provision of the Statute, VMU provides targeted support to student organizations aimed at promoting and fostering student initiatives and activities that expand cooperation and the potential of human resources, create or develop scientific, artistic, study organization, cultural, social, sports, civic and other initiatives , thus making the name of the university famous.
Only university student organizations can apply for university support, i.e. university organizations which, according to The procedure established by the legalization of Vytautas Magnus University organizations and the description of their activities, have acquired the status of a university organization, and at least two-thirds of their actual members are persons with the status of students at the university.
The support provided by the University to support student organizations of the University in each financial year is foreseen in the University's annual budget plan, these funds are managed Aid Boards of Student University Organizations and awarded through a competition for project applications, taking into account the annual Resolution of the Board of Student Organizations Šalpa regarding the determination of project tender terms, priorities and special requirements.
2014 m. studentiškų universiteto organizacijų projektų konkursas
2013 m. birželio 18 d. Šalpos valdybos posėdžio nutarimu buvo patvirtinti 2014 m. projektų konkurso terminai, prioritetai ir specialieji reikalavimai.
2014 m. projektų konkurso prioritetinės veiklos kryptys:
- Creating a socially responsible university
- Promotion of internationality
- Initiating activities related to science, art and studies
- Santykių su universiteto bendruomenės nariais palaikymas ir plėtojimas.
2014-ieji – jubiliejiniai metai, žymintys atkurtojo VDU 25-metį, todėl projektinės veiklos, orientuotos į jo paminėjimą, yra papildomai skatinamos ir remiamos visose 2014 m. organizacijų projektų paraiškų konkurso prioritetinėse veiklos kryptyse.
2014 m. projektų konkurso paraiškų teikimo terminai ir sąlygos:
- paraiškas projektų konkursui studentiškos organizacijos gali teikti iki 2014 m. sausio 15 d. (imtinai) darbo dienos pabaigos arba siųsti registruotu paštu su pašto žyma, rodančia, kad paraiška išsiųsta iki 2014 m. sausio 15 d. (imtinai), šiuo adresu: Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto Studentų reikalų tarnyba, S. Daukanto g. 27-212, 44249 Kaunas;
- projekto paraiška, pateikta po 2014 m. sausio 15 d. ar atsiųsta registruotu paštu su pašto žyma, rodančia, kad paraiška buvo išsiųsta po 2014 m. sausio 15 d., nebus priimama ir vertinama;
- projekto paraiškoje nurodytos veiklos gali būti įgyvendintos laikotarpyje nuo 2014 m. kovo 1 d. iki 2014 m. gruodžio 15 d.;
- the organization cannot submit more than 3 project applications to one priority area of activity;
- tas pats asmuo negali būti nurodytas projekto vadovu daugiau kaip 3 projektuose;
- maksimali vienam projektui iš universiteto prašoma paramos suma neturi viršyti 8000 Lt ribos.
Billing for project implementation
After implementing the project (but no later than December 15 of the current year), the organization must account for the use of funds allocated by the University for the implementation of project activities. This is done by filling Project implementation report (invoices for purchases made from the support funds allocated by the University related to the project implementation activities, written and visual materials related to the project, lists of project executors and project participants and other relevant information are attached to the report) and when delivering it to the Student Affairs Office (S. Daukanta str. 27-212) and by sending the electronic version of the report (Word document) by e-mail