"Student, be a student" registration has already started

Registration for the anniversary, fifth VMU SA project "Students, be a student!" has already started! Registration is open from September 5 to October 3.

This project aims to introduce students to study programs, lectures, the student environment and life! After all, as the twelfth grade approaches, the biggest headache is the increasingly urgent uncertainty of what will happen after that, what to study, what to do, where to enroll. Therefore, a week is allocated for the project, students will become VMU students and will attend lectures, observe the work taking place there, learn something new, and perhaps discover what they would like to study.

Students in grades 10-12 can participate in the project.

The project will take place October 20-24, November 3-7, and November 17-21. Selected candidates will be contacted personally.

Registration form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1X1Kb5NytakNzn4nObZre_5FiV7DviaazAAHs_sElu_o/viewform


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