Indicators of academic honesty are improving in Lithuania

Would you like to be operated on by a doctor who signed up during the exam? Probably not. However, in order to get a better grade, students often leave honesty at the door of the classroom. In order to draw attention to various processes and the most important values of higher education, the Student Representative Office of Vytautas Magnus University (VDU SA) has been organizing the project "Enlightenment" for the third year.
Last year, the Lithuanian Students' Union (LSS) conducted a survey, the results of which showed that only a quarter of students believe that public settlements are fair. It was also noticed that the most common unfair act is when one or more members of the group do not perform their part of the work.
"Very often there are situations when only one or a few members of the group work in a team and the same assessment is given to everyone," says Lina Bernotaitė, a sophomore at Vytautas Magnus University. - I think that the wit of each student is important in such cases. You must not be afraid to tell the teacher about the current situation and not tolerate texting."
We can be happy that the prevalence of unfair behavior compared to 2013 and 2015. in general, positive changes can be observed. The most obvious and tangible changes can be seen in the evaluation of honesty during settlements. in 2013 more than half (54%) of the students were convinced that the use of preps is widespread or rather widespread in their faculty. in 2015 there were 44%, 39% in 2017.
Kristina Balčiūnaitė, one of the organizers of "Enlightenment", VDU SA Academic Affairs Committee coordinator, says that in order to achieve better indicators of academic honesty, it is very important that every student not only knows the characteristics of his specialty, but also generally understands higher education as a process: "The goal of the project we are organizing is not only to draw attention to the actual problem, but also to encourage students to be interested in the Bologna process, to delve into the Law on Science and Studies, so that they understand their rights and responsibilities as students."
"Illumination" consists of two stages. The first exam will be held on November 21. remotely. The second stage of the exam and the conference will be held on December 6 at Vytautas Didios University, Kaunas.