We invite you to participate in the selection for the "European Business Reporter 2014" camp!
We invite you to participate in the selection for the "European Business Reporter 2014" camp! Representation of the European Commission in Lithuania together with the Bank of Lithuania and the daily "Verslo žinios" in 2014. October 9-12 organizes the camp "European Business Reporter 2014". We are organizing the camp for the third time. Our goal is to strengthen the professional skills of budding journalists and opinion makers and popularize the most important topics of the EU economy. Do you want to improve your professional skills together with media professionals? Are you interested in economic topics and want to communicate directly with famous economists, politicians and businessmen? Looking for useful professional contacts? Until September 19 we invite you to register for the camp! Since 2015 January 1 Lithuania will join the euro zone; it will open up new opportunities for Lithuanian economy, business and residents. So the theme of this year's camp is what a business reporter needs to know about the euro. You can familiarize yourself with the detailed program of the camp at pazinkeuropa.lt. We invite journalism, economics, business and political science students who have ambitions to become opinion makers in the public sphere to the camp. Among the participants of the last camp, students at the time, were lrytas.lt journalist Edgaras Savickas, lēkšte.lt founder Tomas Vonžodas, euroblogas.lt author and VMG creative director Ieva Elvyra Kazakevičiūtė. What do you have to do to be invited to camp? In a few sentences, formulate the main points (up to 1000 characters) of the topic you would like to cover at the camp and 3 questions you would like to ask the camp speakers. Register here by September 19. 4 p.m. We will inform you about the selection results by September 25. The camp will be held in the Dvarčėnai estate in the Alytus district. We will take care of transportation from Vilnius and Kaunas, accommodation and food expenses.
What does a business reporter need to know about the euro?
October 9 (Thursday)
10:00-10:45 Participants meet at the EC representative office, introduction
11:00-12:30 Visit to the Bank of Lithuania (meeting with LB board member I. Šimonyte) and Money
in the museum (the story of the museum manager V. Laurinavičiaus about the history of the Lithuanian financial system
12:30-13:30 Lunch
14:00-18:00 Departure to the camp site, special task for students on the way
18:30 Arrival at the camp site, settling in, coffee
19:30-20:30 Opening of the camp / team building games / presentation of the program /
presentation of students' independent task
20:30 Dinner
October 10 (Friday)
9:00 - 13:30 HOW DOES A BUSINESS JOURNALIST WORK? (interactive session led by moderators)
- Discussing the specifics, requirements and sources of the topic of monetary policy
– Practical task: "Translation of economic jargon into the language of the people"
- Work in groups: analysis and discussion of presented articles, reports on monetary policy
- Investigative business journalism (Rytas Staselis)
12:00 Coffee break
- Preparation for work with speakers: how to prepare a good interview on a business topic? (Aurelius
Katkevičius, 12:30-13:30)
- Economic and financial crisis in Europe. What did we learn? Will we manage crises in the future? (N. Mačiulis,
Swedbank Chief Economist)
16:00 Coffee break
- Economic and monetary union. What does economic integration of EU countries mean and how does it work? how far
aspirational integration needed? (M. Jurgilas, LB board member)
- Characteristics of autonomous monetary policy in small open and large closed economies. Why
some EU countries seek to join the Eurozone, while others are in no hurry? The impact of the euro on exports?
(M. Jurgilas, LB board member)
18:30-20:00 Discussion of the day and independent work
20:00 Dinner
October 11 (Saturday)
9:00-10:00 Independent work, possibility to consult with moderators
10:00-16:00 EUR IN LITHUANIA
10:00-11:30 Lithuania's accession to the euro zone (M. Skuodis, LB, TSPMI; M. Majauskas, finance
– Benefits and costs, risks and opportunities of incorporation
- How is the preparation for the introduction of the euro going?
(11:30 coffee break)
- Communication challenges. Public opinion before and after the introduction of the euro: are fears materializing?
(G. Simonavičius, director of LB communication department; M. Majauskas, financial expert)
14:00-15:00 Experience of introducing the euro in Latvia
(LT Ambassador to LV Ričardas Degutis)
15:00-16:00 Interview with business representatives - what are the benefits and costs of introducing the euro for them?
(16:30 Coffee break)
17:00-20:00 Discussion of the day, completion of independent work and presentation
20:00 Dinner
(21:00-23:00 Evaluation of works)
October 12 (Sunday)
(9:00-10:00 Completion of work evaluation)
11:00-14:00 Discussion of works and awards
15:00 Departure