"Career Days" - seminars, meetings with companies
On April 8–10, Vytautas Magnus University will organize the traditional "Career Days", which will help plan their careers and decide on a profession - students will meet with representatives of companies from various fields, hear a lot of useful advice, and participate in interviews for jobs and internships.
This year, the "VMU Career Days" events will be held in the VMU Great Hall (S. Daukanto St. 28). Students from VMU and other universities will have the opportunity not only to participate in various seminars, but also to communicate with employees of organizations or choose the most suitable master's program.
On Tuesday, April 8, students and graduates will be invited to seminars that will help them prepare for job or internship interviews. More information about the seminar program will be announced soon.
On Thursday, April 10, a fair of companies and organizations will be held in the main hall, providing a great opportunity to meet representatives of various organizations and exchange contacts. Participants of the "Career Days" who are still studying or have already completed their studies will be able to leave their CVs with company representatives and participate in interviews for a job or internship.
This year, even 42 companies, which can be a great start to a professional career for students who are not yet employed. Representatives of Lithuanian and international organizations in insurance, biotechnology, telemarketing, advertising, information and high technologies, agriculture, accounting and other fields will interact with the youth.
On the same day, the VMU Master's Degree Programme Fair will be held in the main hall, intended for those interested in further studies. Not only graduates of all universities, but also final-year college students and alumni are welcome here. Each participant will be able to chat with representatives of ten VMU faculties and hear a lot of useful advice. Faculty staff will tell you about the admission requirements, study form and subjects, and will introduce you to further study prospects.
You can find the Career Days program here. here.
More information http://kkc.vdu.lt/lt/content/vdu-karjeros-dienos-2014