How do students rate distance studies?

In April of this year, the Student Representative Office of Vytautas the Great University (VDU SA) initiated a survey, the purpose of which is to find out how, according to the students, distance learning takes place and what difficulties are encountered. A total of 813 respondents took part in the survey, most of them first-cycle students.
The majority (68%) of students who participated in the survey said that teachers successfully organize video lectures.
More than half (51%) of the respondents claim that they encounter technical obstacles during video lectures: the sound disappears, the video quality is poor, it is difficult to connect to the video conference room.
511 students who participated in the TP3T survey have study subjects, some of which include practical classes (laboratory work, rehearsals, etc.). More than half of them answered that practical classes are implemented remotely, by organizing relevant alternatives. 751 TP3T respondents said that these alternatives correspond to what was carried out during the practical sessions.
Most of the students (79%) say that the teachers provide enough material for distance learning and enough information (according to the respondents of 81%) about assessments (colloquiums, tests). However, 341 TP3T respondents answered that they had settlements, the volume of which did not correspond to the time allotted to them.
"We are glad that the students actively participated in the survey and expressed their opinion in a reasoned way," says Gintarė Jurelytė, coordinator of the VDU SA Academic Affairs Committee. - The process of distance studies at VMU runs smoothly enough, but there are also problem areas, so the structured comments of students about subjects and teachers have been sent to the rector, vice-rectors, the Department of Studies and the deans of faculties. We hope that they will be resolved soon."
If you encounter problems regarding distance studies (no lecture, insufficient information, materials required for studies, etc.), please contact the VMU Student Representative Office by e-mail. mail or contact via facebook.
You can report technical problems while conducting distance studies here.