The VDU SA presidential election debate took place

March 4 Tomas Bacevičius and Paulius Vaitiekus, candidates for the post of president of Vytautas the Great University Student Representative Office (VDU SA), participated in the debate. They presented their operational guidelines and answered the students' questions. They mostly talked about the social situation of the students, the emotional microclimate both in the university and in the representative office, the values of the candidates and their preparation for the coming year.
At the beginning, the candidates presented their operational guidelines. You can get to know them here.
The first question was asked by Justina Štrimaitytė, the moderator of the debate, the head of organizational strengthening of the Lithuanian Student Union (LSS). She asked which person each of the candidates would like to have dinner with. T. Bacevičius chose former US President Barack Obama, P. Vaitiekus chose actor Vilas Smits. When asked which foreign university he would consider as an example, T. Bacevičius mentioned the University of Edinburgh (Scotland), P. Vaitiekus chose the University of Bologna (Italy).
After starting to discuss the social situation of students, T. Bacevičius said that the amount of loans provided to students should be increased and ensure that Putvinskio st. A canteen would be established in the annex of the faculty located at 23. He also mentioned that one of the goals would be to increase the dissemination of information during the introductory week of freshmen. Mr. Vaitiekus, speaking about the social problems of students, emphasized that he is glad that the processes for the position of disabled coordinator at VMU are underway. The candidate also expressed his desire to establish more recreation/socialization areas in the dormitories and said that he would help the student movement "Shauksmas" in solving the issue of establishing a canteen. Mr. Vaitiek was also asked a question about the "Student Work Program" recently approved by the parliament: why is it not mentioned in the candidate's guidelines. He replied that this is a program adopted by the parliament, which will be implemented regardless of the goals of the future president.
Students were also interested in the quality of studies. When asked what study financing model would be the most appropriate, T. Bacevičius said that he believed in the idea of a free bachelor's degree. Mr. Vaitiekus replied that, in his opinion, it would be best if the government allocated funding to the universities and they would dispose of the received funds themselves. The issue of teachers' well-being was also touched upon. T. Bacevičius said that this is important and that it is necessary to maintain a dialogue with teachers and to listen to them. Mr. Vaitiekus expressed a similar opinion, asserting that the well-being of the lecturer is an integral part of the quality of studies.
The issue of the Academies of Agriculture and Education was also touched upon. According to T. Bacevičius, it is important to seek dialogue and solve the problems as a team. Mr. Vaitiekus said that currently the interests of academies' students are represented by elders, but if there were active and proactive students, it would be possible to think about departments as well.
The internal culture, structure and activities of VDU SA were also actively discussed in the debate. To the question of what he would sacrifice for VDU SA and what this organization means to him, T. Bacevičius answered that he is ready to donate his time and share his experience. VDU SA means responsibility and representation of students' interests to him. Mr. Vaitiekus revealed that he would also decide to sacrifice his time, part of his personal life. For him, VDU SA is a connection with students, a desire to help, new experiences and an opportunity to improve. T. Bacevičius mentioned that his team currently has 13 members, P. Vaitiekas - 7.
When asked what feature he likes in his opponent, which he does not have, T. Bacevičius joked that P. Vaitiekus is taller. The latter revealed that he admires his opponent's preparation and willingness to delve into problems.
The VDU Student Parliament will elect the new VDU SA president on March 12. 12 o'clock during the report-election conference in the Small Hall of VDU (28 S. Daukanto str.).