Faculty representatives approved the new composition of the VMU Senate
The Faculty Representatives' Meeting is the highest governing body of the Vytautas Magnus University Student Representative Council, which has the right to approve the new Senate of Vytautas Magnus University.
Due to the inactive work of the previous student representatives in the Senate of Vytautas Magnus University, non-attendance at meetings, and non-participation in electronic Senate votes, there was a need to recall some of the previous student representatives from the governing body of this university. Also, several student representatives have already graduated from Vytautas Magnus University and no longer have the physical opportunity to participate in VMU Senate meetings, therefore, a proposal was submitted to the VMU SA Faculty Representatives Meeting to approve new student representatives in the Senate of Vytautas Magnus University:
1. Justinas Petkus (by position held, bachelor's degree, PMDF)
2. Paulius Baltokas (MA,TF)
3. Rita Bieliauskaitė (MA)
4. Jonas Okunis (PhD, PMDF)
5. Orinta Movsesjan (mag., PMDF)
6. Gintarė Žukaitė (PhD., Faculty of Law)
7. Lina Paulauskaitė (bachelor, HMF)
8. Milda Žaliauskaitė (bachelor, TF)
9. Odeta Grabauskaitė (bachelor, PMDF)
10. Donvina Rutkauskaitė (bachelor, SMF)
11. Monika Stančiauskaitė (Bachelor of Arts, GMF)
12. Jurgita Frišmantaitė (bachelor, SMF)