Two seats on the VDU SA Board have become vacant. Apply!

April 27 an extraordinary meeting of the Student Parliament will be held, during which new board members will be elected for a one-year term.
After the resignation of two people from the Vytautas Magnus University Student Representation Board (VDU SA), places became available for the following positions. Those who want to become a member of the board, until April 22. at 5 p.m. must submit a completed request and cover letter by e-mail by post
The board ensures the implementation of the resolutions passed by the VMU Student Parliament, considers and adopts resolutions on all issues of the VMU SA within the limits of its competence: considers valid normative documents that regulate the legal status of students and their organizations, prepares recommendations for their improvement, organizes the elections of the VMU Student Parliament and president, oversees their process and announces the results, considers VDU SA's operational and financial issues, etc.
The VDU SA Board consists of 7 members elected by the VDU Student Parliament. It is elected for a one-year term (the number of terms for the same person is not limited). The board can be composed of persons who are VDU SA members, volunteers, honorary members and/or alumni. The candidacy must be supported by 5 members of the Student Parliament.
All applicants for this position must submit a completed request and cover letter by e-mail by post until April 22 at 5 p.m.
Board elections will be conducted according to VDU SA Labor Regulations.