Elder of the academic group - what should you know about him?

At Vytautas the Great University (VDU), the elders program came into effect this year, which allows the university administration and the VDU Student Representative Office (VDU SA) to communicate more effectively with students of various courses about their problems and concerns, as well as to transmit important information. This year is the first year when elders are registered, so such changes have raised many questions: who, how and why? Gintarė Jurelytė, the coordinator of the Academic Affairs Committee of VDU SA, answers these questions in a short interview.
Why and how did you come up with the idea of consolidating the system of elders and registering them?
VDU is one of the largest higher education institutions in Lithuania, with many faculties, and after the consolidation, they have increased even more, which is why there have been more difficulties in communication. It was obvious that there was a lack of closer connection, so the implementation of the elder system was started. Its purpose is to have mediators between students, SA and the administration. It is important for us, while creating a system, to create a contact base at the same time, thanks to which we can access all programs faster, invite elders to various meetings, transmit and receive all the necessary information.
What are the responsibilities of an academic group elder?
Generally speaking, the elder is the mediator between the students of his course and the administration and VDU SA. He receives information that he passes on to his course or vice versa - he collects problems, various feedbacks and opinions from the students and informs the administration or representative office about it.
Why is it important to choose it?
In order to make communication about course problems, concerns and questions more effective. There are often situations when students discuss what they don't like, what could happen differently, but it remains only a discussion. The problem is that important information does not always reach students. Therefore, it is important for the elder to ensure that the students of the course are fully represented.
What qualities should a group elder have?
Above all, an elder should care about the well-being of his fellow students, the quality of the study program, and the university environment. He should be responsible, listen to the opinions of others and be able to find compromises and seek change.
What is the length of an elder's term and under what conditions can it be changed?
The elder is elected for the entire study period. As long as it is a verbal agreement and there is no document regulating it, it is possible to change the elder, if the majority of the fellow students so wishes, the elder no longer wishes to continue his term, terminates or changes his studies.
Is a deputy elder needed?
As needed and depending on the situation. If the course is very large, I think it is useful to have a deputy so that the elder can work more with the Student Representative Office and the administration, and the deputy can maintain closer contact with fellow students.
What a matter students can refer to their elder?
These are any questions related to studying: quality of studies, teaching, relationships with teachers, social and emotional environment, information that is difficult to find on your own, etc. If the elder cannot solve the problem or answer the questions on his own, the Student Representative helps him.
How and who can apply to the position of elder?
At the beginning of each academic year, a form for seniors to register is published, and it is sent to students by faculty representatives. An interested student should nominate or be nominated by other students as a candidate. Any course student who is responsible, interested in solving problems and wants to improve the quality of studies and study conditions for their course can apply.
How does a group choose its elder?
The election procedure for an elder is not regulated, so it is any democratic way of election: a student can volunteer (or be nominated by another student) and become an elder with the approval of the course, if there are several candidates, the one who has more support from the students of the course becomes the elder. If the elder is elected in the middle/beginning of the academic year, the Student Representative Office should be informed about this directly.
Are the elder's activities time-consuming?
The activity really doesn't take much time. Most of the positions are done remotely, especially at this time. Usually, there is one meeting every few months, the information of which you need to pass on to your fellow students. You can also talk about individual cases, because most problems are solved separately, then you need to collect your course's opinion on the existing problems, inform the administration, if it does not change anything, solve the problems together with the Student Representative Office.
What a benefit gets a student representing his group?
First of all, it is an experience - collecting and raising problems, communicating with people, taking responsibility, discussing and finding a compromise. Also, it is an opportunity to better delve into the activities of the university, get acquainted with university documents and, of course, to communicate better with your fellow students and to find new friends - seniors from other courses.