"Student Legal Education Program"

The Lithuanian national group of the European Student Lawyers Association invites 10-12th grade students to participate in the "Student Legal Education Program". This is an annual event for all students interested in law. RTD takes place in three rounds. First of all, even in the 5 largest cities of Lithuania (Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipėda, Šiauliai and Panevėžys), a cycle of lectures will be held for 4 weekends in a row, designed to introduce schoolchildren to different branches of law, such as civil, criminal, labor, family law, etc. Later, those who have attended more than half of the lectures will have the opportunity to take a knowledge verification test. Finally, the best will get into the roles of plaintiffs and defendants and take part in a staging of the court process, where they will be evaluated by professionals in their field! All participants who have solved the test will be given certificates confirming their participation in the program, and we will award the winners of the first places with valuable prizes!


Registration for the Student Legal Education Program is done by e-mail. by post mtsp@elsa-lithuania.org until September 24 Please indicate your name, school, class, phone number and e-mail.

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