Youth film competition "Open your eyes". See. Kurk!'
The Equal Opportunities Controller of the Republic of Lithuania (hereinafter - LGKT) implements the project with partners Diversity Park, whose purpose is to educate the public, paying special attention to the youth, about the manifestations of discrimination and intolerance.
One of the project activities is short film competition for young creators, inviting young people through filming and other art techniques to express their views on otherness, the impact of stereotypes on prevailing behavior patterns and the aspiration of respectful coexistence.
Therefore, the purpose of the competition is to encourage the creative and creative youth of Lithuania to look tolerantly at the diversity and otherness around us, to proclaim their values and to contribute to the creation of a safer society.
The most creative young people will be evaluated and awarded with prizes established by LGKT and the sponsors of the campaign.
Youth Film CompetitionOpen your eyes. See. Kurk!" will start on October 1.
You can find more information about the project and the rules of the organized competition You can ask by phone 8 686 33160 (Klementina).