VMU Student Representative Council will elect a new president: meet the candidate! 

March 8th The Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) Student Parliament will elect a new member to the VMU Student Representative Council (SA) by-election conference, during which the election of the VMU SA President will take place. One candidate has submitted an application to run for this position – a bachelor's student at the Faculty of Law and the current vice-president of the VMU SA, Vitalija Jakubaitytė. 

The candidate who expressed her desire to take up the position this year is a 4th-year student of the Law and Finance study program, who has been actively involved in the VMU Student Representative Council for almost four years. During this time, she has gained experience in academic, social, public relations and organizational affairs committees. She served as the coordinator of academic affairs and student representatives for one year, and is currently completing her term as vice president. She is also actively involved in student representation – she is a member of the VMU Senate Study Committee, served two terms in the VMU Student Parliament, and is a member of the VMU Central Dispute Resolution Commission. 

"By running for this position, I believe that my team and I will continue activities that create added value for students, enable new ideas, foster the values of the organization, and loudly and boldly carry the voice of VMU students!" - writes candidate Vitalija in the submitted activity guidelines. 

V. Jakubaitytė, in order to implement the organization's mission and strive for the comprehensive well-being of students, set three strategic directions and 14 goals that would contribute to the creation and fostering of student well-being, taking into account the currently prevailing problems, ensure an environment in which it is good to study, and comprehensively strengthen the organization itself. 

Vitalija Jakubaitytė motivational letter and operational guidelines.

On February 27 at 6 p.m., a conversation with the candidate for the VMU SA president will take place in auditorium 103 of the Faculty of Political Science and Diplomacy (Putvinskio St. 23), during which she will be able to talk in more detail about her ideas and goals and answer students' questions.

On March 8, at 11 a.m., the VMU SA reporting-election conference will be held, during which the organization's activity and financial reports will be presented, and the VMU SA president, board, and audit will be elected.

The president of the Vytautas Magnus University Student Representative Office is the head of the representative office who is responsible for what happens inside and outside the representative office. He represents all university students at the meetings of the University Rectorate, VMU Council with the right to vote, represents VMU students in the Lithuanian Student Union and performs other functions provided for in the VMU SA Statutes.

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