Artėja pokyčiai VDU SA: kas taps naujuoju studentų atstovu? 

Kovo 8 d. vyks Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto Studentų atstovybės (VDU SA) rinkiminė-ataskaitinė konferencija, kurios metu VDU Studentų parlamentas rinks naują VDU SA prezidentą (-ę) ir kitus VDU SA valdymo organus.

VDU SA is an organization representing students, striving to make their voice heard. During the report-election conference of VDU SA, a new president of the organization will be elected. A person whose main job is to help students solve their problems, to contribute to the improvement of the quality of studies and to ensure an easier life for students. The manager of the dealership, who is responsible for what happens inside and outside the dealership. He represents all university students at the university Rectorate and Council meetings with the right to vote, represents VMU students in the Lithuanian Student Union and performs other functions provided VDU SA Statutes.

VMU Student Parliament approved this year VDU SA temporary procedure for organizing electionsAccording to this procedure, those who want to run for the post of president, filled request, a cover letter and operational guidelines must be submitted iki vasario 14 d. 17 val. VDU SA Board e-mail by post

Application form for registration as a candidate in the elections of the President of the Student Representation of VDU.

In March, during the conference, not only the new head of the organization will be elected, but also the VDU SA Board. 

The VDU SA Board is a strategic advisory management body of the Vytautas Magnus University Student Representative Office (VDU SA), which approves the annual plan of the representative office, determines the organization's strategic directions and carries out other activities defined in the VDU SA Work Regulations. 

All applicants for this position must submit a completed request ir motyvacinį laišką el. paštu iki vasario 27 d. 17 val.

Board elections are conducted according to Provisional election procedure.

Application form for registration as a candidate in the VMU Student Representation Board elections.

During the conference, a new VDU SA Audit will also be selected.

Audit - controls the finances and activities of VDU SA. Performs organization inspections and provides their conclusions and recommendations. The commission consists of 5 members. The members of the Audit Commission are elected by the Student Parliament for a one-year term.

Norintys kandidatuoti į VDU SA Reviziją savo kandidatūrą turės išsikelti kovo 8 d. vyksiančios ataskaitinės-rinkiminės konferencijos metu.

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