Everything you need to know about scholarships at VDU
The university provides the following types of financial support to students: incentive scholarship, foreign Lithuanian scholarship, doctoral scholarship, one-time scholarship, targeted scholarship. The procedure for awarding these scholarships is determined by the description of the scholarship awarding procedure of Vytautas Didios University (VDU).
Incentive scholarship
Incentive scholarships are awarded to the best first-, second-cycle and integrated study students studying at state-funded and non-funded places. Funds for incentive scholarships are distributed proportionally according to study programs and are allocated to: at least 20 percent of the number of students who do not have academic debts, their last semester average is not less than 8 (eight) points, and the volume of credits in the last semester corresponds to the regulations of university studies minimum requirements.
Incentive scholarships are awarded twice a year and paid once a month:
• in the autumn semester - from September 1. until January 31
• in the spring semester - from February 1. until June 30
Incentive scholarships are also awarded to Vytautas the Great University study exchange programs for students going to and returning from foreign universities based on their final semester study results.
The student is informed personally about the received incentive scholarship.
Who is eligible for the enhanced incentive grant?
Incentive scholarships of increased size are awarded to students of the first cycle and integral studies with an average of ten points in the last session and to students of second cycle studies with an average of ten points in the last session and who are actively involved in scientific and/or artistic activities.
In order to receive this scholarship, students must submit an application to the dean of their faculty within 10 working days from the beginning of the current semester, together with a form filled in and approved by the university rector, publications and a list of the student's scientific or artistic activities.
Additional one-time scholarship
It is paid no more than twice per semester and can be granted after the student submits a free-form application and attaches relevant supporting documents in the following cases:
• after the loss of one of the parents (a copy of the death certificate and the student's birth certificate are attached). Awarded within one year of death
• in the event of a change in the social status of the family (relevant documents are attached, for example: a certificate of family composition and certificates from SODRA about the income of family members; a certificate from the labor exchange about the unemployment status; a certificate from the social support department about the social allowance received; other relevant documents)
• in the event of another accident (relevant documents are attached, for example, a certificate from the police)
• students for active participation in scientific, artistic, creative, sports and/or student social activities.
Who can receive social grants?
Students who wish to receive a social scholarship must register On the website of the State Study Fund (VSF).: you can log in using either electronic banking or the electronic signature system. The Student Department informs VMU students about the application period.
You will find more information about incentive, foreign Lithuanian, doctoral and other scholarships and grants and their allocation www.vdu.lt/stipendijos.