Two candidates will seek the position of president of the VMU Student Representation

On March 12, the Vytautas Magnus University Student Representation (VDU SA) report-election conference will be held, during which the VDU Student Parliament will elect a new SA president. Two candidates expressed their desire to take this position - Žygymantas Menchenkovas, a PhD student at the Faculty of Humanities, and Ieva Vengrovskaja, a bachelor's student studying at the same faculty.
Ž. Menchenkov distinguished three parts in his operational guidelines: towards well-equipped studies, democratic and independent student self-government, and students in national politics. "There is still a lot of work to be done. We must strive for the best possible material conditions for students. In this way, we will create a favorable environment for them to study and engage in extracurricular activities," says the candidate in his cover letter.
Candidate Ž. Menchenkov operational guidelines and motivational letter.
In her guidelines, I. Vengrovskaja envisioned six areas of activity: improving the quality of studies, student representatives, strengthening the student microclimate, a reliable and open organization, representation at the national and international level, and ensuring the organization's financial stability. "When applying for this position, I understand that it is impossible to radically improve the quality of studies or the social dimension in one year, but I want to listen to the students' expectations and at least make small changes to achieve a more favorable study environment for each student," the teaching candidate says in her motivational letter.
Candidate I. Vengrovskaja operational guidelines and motivational letter.
In the near future, there will be a candidate debate where they will be able to introduce themselves to the academic community and elaborate on their ideas and goals.
The president of VDU SA heads the representative office and acts on behalf of the organization. He participates in Rectorate and Council meetings with the right of a decisive vote, delegates student representatives to university management bodies, forms working groups to solve various issues and performs other functions stipulated in the Statutes.