Take the VDU rector's chair!

Vytautas Magnus University Administration and Student Representative Council on November 17, International student days will provide a unique opportunity to take the place of VMU Rector for one day!

Thanks to this tradition, the student rector can not only take over the management of the university for a day, but also get to know the university better. The student rector will have the opportunity to see the work of the rector and vice-rectors from the inside and make suggestions for improving the university's study process.

Everyone who wants to participate must:

  • be first-cycle (bachelor's) 2nd, 3rd and 4th year students and second-cycle (master's) students;
  • assemble the VMU student rector's team (student vice-rectors and director of administration, deans of all faculties, directors of the Institute of Foreign Languages, the Department of Student Affairs, and the Student Department) and send their proposed agenda, which must include goals and an activity plan;
  • send your CV and cover letter.

All specified documents must be sent to Eigirdas Sarkanas, President of the VMU Student Representative Council, by e-mail. prezidentas@sa.vdu.lt until November 14 days inclusive.

More information infovdusa@gmail.com or prezidentas@sa.vdu.lt

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