Important notice for first-year students selected for the "Balanced Fuksas '13" camp organized by the VMU Student Representation (corrected)

August 27 Meetings with those selected to participate in the first (September 7-8) or second (September 14-15) camp will be held in the Small Hall of VDU.
17.00 Meeting with those selected to participate in the FIRST camp.
18.00 Meeting with those selected to participate in the SECOND camp.
During these meetings, we will introduce you to the idea, program and rules of the camp, and we will also be waiting for your previously set participation fee of 50 Lt* and documentary photos from those who have not previously submitted them or who have filled out the forms online.
We present the lists of the selected ones below. **
* Meals, transport, paraphernalia, program costs are included in the camp participant fee.
** Those who are not selected, do not be sad because there are still places available. (VDU SA in the evening, those who do not get to the camps still have the opportunity to take the remaining free places)
List of the first camp:
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List of the second camp:
[gview file=””]

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