Balanced Fuksas camps: "You come as a stranger and leave with your family"

On September 11-12 and 18-19, the traditional first-year camps "Balanced Fuksas" organized by the Student Representative Office of Vytautas the Great University (VDU SA) took place.
When the academic year at the university started, new students had the opportunity to spend their first student weekends in an informal environment, together with other freshmen and VDU SA volunteers. The participants of the camp got acquainted with the structure of VMU, academic integrity, university organizations and Lithuanian Students' Union.

"Since I'm studying psychology, I really liked the fact that you need to work in teams and trust each other. You are with complete strangers, you are trying to make a family and it works. You come not knowing anyone, but you leave with your family," says Gabrielė Augustinavičiūtė.
The camp started with familiarization and team building games and discussions. In the evening, the first years took part in a simulation where they became Auror detectives and solved crimes at Hogwarts. While visiting different places of the magic school, they performed tasks and collected clues, based on which they had to find the killer and find out his motives.
"Simulation in this weather was a challenge, because it's raining, sliding everywhere. You can really see that a lot of work was put into reflecting the topic and thinking about the tasks, I really liked the trust the team put in me during the task. Here, you feel like you are in a community, like a family, you can approach anyone and talk to them like an old friend, you don't feel any differences between people," Ernesta Čirvinskaitė, a first-year political science student who participated in the second camp, shares her impressions.

Modest Bikin, studying economics, says that he expected to just have a good time and meet new people, "but I really got more, it was interesting. You really don't need to spare money and one weekend, it's absolutely worth coming here."
Such thoughts were shared by the freshmen before leaving the camp, well, you will soon be able to see more moments of the camp, in photos and video format. VDU Student Representation on Facebook account.