Students share: why is it important to run for the VMU Student Parliament?

November 16 23:59 submission of applications for candidacy for Vytautas Magnus University (VDU) Student Parliament ends. Students who wish to represent their faculty must submit an application and a free-form letter of motivation. The members of the Student Parliament who have completed their term claim that they had the opportunity not only to get directly involved in university processes, but also to gain useful experience.
In the opinion of Milda Gineikaitė, who represented the Faculty of Arts, initiative, delving into issues and the desire to find the best solution for the community are values in the Student Parliament: "It is important to get involved in the activities of the Parliament, because studying students see here and now what should be changed, what is relevant, therefore, by getting involved in the activities of the Parliament activities can contribute to the creation of changes at the university level."
In the opinion of Lauryns Samajauskas, a representative of the Faculty of Informatics, the parliament is one of the main environments where students can contribute to the creation of better study conditions and represent not only the students of their academic department, but also the entire university community: "Decisions made in the parliament have a direct impact on every member of the community, and since these decisions are made by the students themselves, great work can be done by paying tribute to the trust given and meeting the expressed expectations."
Since one of the main responsibilities of the Student Parliament is to adopt, supplement and change the statutes, regulations and procedural rules of the VDU SA, students have the opportunity to improve their skills in working with documents: "The VDU Student Parliament gave me a wide range of new skills and knowledge in the examination of documents, which I will use both in my further work, as well as in everyday life, because more and more often I come across things I have just heard and learned," says the representative of the Faculty of Humanities, Ieva Vengrovskaja, who has completed her term.
According to the representative of the Faculty of Arts, Simos Zabulis, being in the parliament is not only representing your faculty and contributing to changes at the university, but also developing yourself as a personality: "During the discussions with the parliamentarians, I heard and learned a lot of ideas, and by participating and intensively getting involved in the discussions, I overcame my fear of speaking in public .”
How to apply?
Each faculty (according to the number of students) will be represented by the corresponding number of members of parliament: Faculty of Economics and Management (EFF) – 6 representatives; Faculty of Natural Sciences (GMF) - 4 representatives; Faculty of Humanities (HMF) - 7 representatives; Faculty of Informatics (IF) – 4 representatives; Faculty of Catholic Theology (KTF) – 3 representatives; Faculty of Arts (MF) – 5 representatives; Academy of Music (MA) – 3 representatives; Faculty of Law (TF) – 4 representatives; Faculty of Political Sciences and Diplomacy (PMDF) - 6 representatives; Faculty of Social Sciences (SMF) - 6 representatives; Education Academy (ŠA) – 8 representatives; Academy of Agriculture (ŽŪA) – 11 representatives.
Students who want to become members of the Student Parliament by November 16. 23:59 email by post sends a completed application and a free-form motivational letter.