Special video clip - about VDU in a 25-hour rhythm

Vytautas the Great University, celebrating its 25th anniversary this year, lives in a 25-hour rhythm. An extra hour a day is devoted to being together, communicating, sharing ideas, living here and now.

The university gives this small miracle - at the 25th hour - not only to the members of the university community, but also to everyone who has the desire to live and create in their hearts. This is a time for intellectually stimulating, inspiring, or simply enjoyable activities.

VDU is free, open, dynamic and constantly changing. During the 25 years of the restored university's existence, the new generation of VDU grew up in it - creative, brave and curious personalities, who are not limited to the knowledge of their specialty, who are constantly asking and searching.

Celebrating the restoration anniversary, VDU invites you to spend the 25th hour together. Throughout the jubilee academic year, the university organizes international, cultural events relevant not only to the university community, but also to society as a whole: seminars, debates, conferences, performances and concerts. VMU is open to everyone, so the ideas born there do not remain imprisoned within the university walls.

More detailed information about all events dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the university's restoration is published on the university's website at www.vdu.lt/25.

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