VMU Student Parliament elections are announced

Vytautas Magnus University students are invited to participate in the elections of the highest governing body of the VMU Student Representation – the Student Parliament. Any Vytautas Magnus University student can become a member of the Student Parliament.

The Student Parliament of Vytautas Magnus University resolves all important issues related to the university and student affairs. The members of the Student Parliament approve the annual activity and financial reports of the President of the VMU SA, amend the statutes of the Student Representative Council, adopt resolutions, elect the VMU SA Board, and most importantly, represent the interests of students of their faculty.

Raise your candidacy in the Student Parliament elections and represent your course and faculty friends!

For this you need:

  • Come to the Student Representation (S. Daukanto St. 27-201) and ask for the Student Parliament candidate application form (or you can print it yourself);
  • Fill out the candidate form and collect the specified number of signatures of those students who support your candidacy in these elections. We emphasize that these must only be students of the faculty you represent (the course is not important);
  • Submit the completed application form to the VMU Student Representative Office (S. Daukanto St. 27-201) by 5 p.m. on October 15, 2015;

If you have any questions, contact us by e-mail: infovdusa@gmail.com

Questionnaire for undergraduate students

[gview file=”http://www.vdusa.lt/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Priedas-Nr.1-bakalauras-1.docx”]

Questionnaire for master's students

[gview file=”http://www.vdusa.lt/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Priedas-Nr1-Magistras-1.docx”]

Questionnaire for doctoral students

[gview file=”http://www.vdusa.lt/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Priedas-Nr2-doktorantams-1.docx”]


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