Student representatives are elected to the VMU Senate

The Student Representative Office of Vytautas the Great University (VDU SA) announces the election of student representatives to the highest self-governing institution of the University - the Senate of the University of Vytautas the Great.
Students who want to become members of the VMU Senate, until January 7 at 5 p.m. You must submit personal information and a motivation letter here:
Candidates will be contacted on January 12.
The Senate is a collegial institution for managing university academic affairs. Leading VDU Statute (according to the second section of Chapter II), the Senate of the VMU consists of Studies, Science, Strategy and management standing committees. Ad hoc committees may also be created to deal with pressing issues.
According to the regulations of the Vytautas Magnus University Senate, students of all study levels are represented in the Senate by 14 University students, who are appointed to the Senate by the VMU Student Representation.
They are elected to the VDU Senate 4 new senators: 1 from Level I studies (Bachelor) and 3 from II stages of studies (master's degree).
You can meet the student representatives in the VDU Senate here.
You can find more information about the VMU Senate's activities and members here.