The President of the Vytautas Magnus University Students' Representative Office is the head of the representative office, who is responsible for everything that happens inside and outside the office. This is the person who represents the VMU Students' Representation not only at the university, but throughout Lithuania. The President of the VMU Students' Representative is elected by the VMU Students' Parliament for a one-year term of office.
The President of the VMU Student Representation represents all university students in the following governing bodies:
After the conference elects the President of the VMU Students' Representative Office, he/she swears an oath to work honestly and diligently in the presence of the Rector, Vice-Rectors, lecturers, and students, signs the oath, and is presented with the regalia of the President.
Currently, the President of the VMU Students' Representation is Emilija Drabužinskaitė, a fourth-year student of Psychology at VMU Faculty of Social Sciences.
The following persons have served as President of VMU SA: