The election of the president of the VMU Student Representation begins

March 10 Vytautas Magnus University Student Representative (VDU SA) election-reporting conference will be held, during which the VDU Student Parliament will elect a new SA president.
According to the temporary procedure for organizing elections, those who want to run for the post of president must submit a completed application, motivation letter and operational guidelines until February 17 at 5 p.m. VDU SA Board e-mail by post
VDU SA Board Chairwoman Solveiga Skaisgirytė says that the annual report-election conference is always a welcome time in the organization, where the work done and planned activities in the future are evaluated. Its focus is the election of the President of VDU SA, in which the elected person becomes the face and leader of the organization. S. Skaisgirytė hopes to receive determined candidates this year who have prepared plans for the organization's activities and direction. According to the chairman of the board, the candidacy procedure is standard: "you need to submit a request that you want to be a candidate, write a motivational letter and prepare operational guidelines that you will present to everyone gathered at the conference."
The President of the Vytautas Magnus University Student Representative Office is the head of the representative office who is responsible for what happens inside and outside the representative office. He represents all university students at the meetings of the University Rectorate, VMU Council with the right to vote, represents VMU students in the Lithuanian Student Union and performs other functions provided for in the VMU SA Statutes.