Lucka and his adventures

Every morning when I wake up, I always look out the window. Not only to see what the weather is like and decide what to wear, but also to ask myself the question – what kind of person should I be today in order to realize my plans and dreams? Do I have to look good today and draw attention to my appearance, or do I still have to glow from the inside? Probably, when I put these two things – inside and outside – on the scales, I hope that they will weigh equally, but after talking to other people who have their own opinions, I start to doubt. This time I drew inspiration from Marius – a young man who does not sit still and believes in faith.

When I suggested that we meet, Marius immediately agreed. He is a person from whom you will rarely hear the word NO. He takes everything from life, no matter whether it is something big or small. To try, taste and take risks – in my eyes, that is what Marius, also known by his last name Lucka, is like. The young man is studying in the first-year program of creative industries at VMU. These are completely new studies that started a year ago. Marius had the opportunity to try them out first: “I thought that the creative industry is just for me, a person who wants to improve in creativity”. When asked if he participates in any extracurricular activities offered by the university, Marius admits that he has many other jobs. And he was not lying here. The guy, who loves parties and night outs, not only participates in them but also helps organize them: “I work with Anna Mesha, we organize parties for friends at her house”. I will admit, I have also had the opportunity to visit Anna, the evenings there are unique and cozy. In addition, Lucka likes the theater: “I often go there, and I listened to the opera…” He usually spends his free time at home, the guy likes to be alone. The guy with an educated and beautiful body says that he devotes a lot of time to sports. I wondered what Marius thinks about an attractive appearance and whether it is very important in modern society: “It is very important, besides a beautiful appearance, most people spit on your inside. Your appearance is a calling card”. When it comes to an attractive appearance, a sense of style and fashion also come to mind. Marius did not shy away from this area either – he works as a model. I was interested to know how the guy “got into” the fashion world: “A year ago, my friend suggested that I go to the “Fashion Infection” casting. I went, all the designers chose me.” The guy works not only at the well-known "Fashion Infection", he communicates and collaborates with well-known designers and other fashion experts in Lithuania: "I met a lot of people in that "business", they started offering me jobs and I accepted. Then I met Juozas Statkevičius, I worked for him, and participated in his Fashion Show "Siemens Arena in November."

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Despite everything that Marius does, perhaps the most impressive thing, in my opinion, is his travels to various corners of the world. From an early age, he traveled with his parents to Central America. The guy got to see the Dominican Republic and everyone's favorite Haiti. "I've been left and right, I've seen Europe too, but I developed the greatest love for Asia, right after school I went to Southeast Asia. I lived in Vietnam, then I left it, headed towards Cambodia, Laos, then Thailand, and finally towards Malaysia. I left without a lot of money, because I simply didn't have it, only the belief that I was miraculous and that everything would work out. It was similar, since there was only the Jet Kite in my travel bag, after going to the north of Vietnam I headed south to look for the ocean and waves. Over time, as my pockets emptied, I had to look for work" - the Kaunas native tells about his travels. “So, after spending some time in Vietnam and having a good time, I decided to check my bank account. I was not happy… I had money for a few weeks, no more. That’s what happens when you don’t count. I started looking for work in kitesurfing schools. I went through a few of them and got bad news: “You’re too young, you only speak English, there are 90% tourists here – Russians.” Then I chose the largest kitesurfing school in my resort –, with the highest rating, where the instructors are only professionals and have all the highest certificates. I introduced myself with my real name, said that I was 24 years old, had a long experience as an instructor, spoke English, Lithuanian, Russian and French – there was no other way. I got the job, I had to show up the next day at 10 am… They said that I would have a student from Moscow. When I left the “job interview”, I didn’t know what to do now, because I didn’t know how to speak Russian, but the Russian music had informed me, that’s all… By the evening I had gathered 180 words on the topic of kitesurfing – shore, wind, wave, left, right, etc. In short, a challenge at the highest level. In the morning, the promised student came to me, tall, bald, about 35 years old – with a cigarette in his teeth and a little drunk – as befits a real Russian citizen. His name was Vladimir (Volode). I told him this: “Listen, I can hardly speak Russian, but I’ll teach you how to kitesurf, if you betray me – I’ll die of hunger”. Volode fell face down on the sand and laughed so loudly that the entire eastern beach could hear it… He paid me double for the lessons, treated me to beer and Russian lessons! Just for my adventure. Over time, I became practically fluent and in December I was given the title of instructor in Mui Ne (that was the name of the Vietnamese resort where I lived). I had the most commentators and evaluators on the forum from Russia. I had students who were recommended to me by their friend, and they recommended me to other friends, so the queue was a few days ahead…” After these trips, Marius’s worldview and understanding changed: “Basically everything changed: attitude, beliefs, myself – from a child on the streets of Kaunas, to a person who understood how to learn in this life, what to read and what to write, I don’t know, maybe I’m wrong, but the most important thing is to believe.”

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AUTHOR: Julia Judina

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