Blood donation campaign at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Informatics
On October 20, the Vytautas Magnus University Student Representative Council (VDU SA), together with VDU IFO, VDU AJMD “Modusas” and the National Blood Center (NKC), organized a continuous Unpaid Blood Donation Campaign. The campaign took place at the Faculty of Informatics and Natural Sciences. This year, the campaign was approached creatively – faculties of Lithuanian universities competed for the main prize by donating blood.
Blood donation in a different way
VMU students not only did a good deed by donating blood, but also participated in the “Dracula” competition. This competition is held throughout Lithuania. The essence of the competition is that the faculty that organized the most unpaid donors will win a screening of the film “DRAKULA”. The sizes of universities and colleges are very different, the number of students studying in the faculties is also very diverse, therefore the winners will be evaluated as a percentage of students studying in the faculty. However, in order for not only quantity, but also quality to be important, a creativity criterion was introduced! Each faculty will receive additional points for the tireless publicity and implementation of this campaign.
Students are becoming increasingly socially responsible
VMU SA conducts blood donation campaigns at least 3 times per academic year. It is noticeable that students are increasingly willing to join the campaign and become unpaid blood donors. If only a few students participated in the campaign 3 years ago, now more and more enthusiasts express their desire to donate blood. Due to medical requirements, not everyone can donate blood. However, luck smiles at most people. Saulius Mickevičius, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, also joined the campaign. Students are happy that VMU lecturers are joining social initiatives and setting a good example. Such examples inspire and show that sometimes 15 minutes can be enough to do a good job.
Smile virus
Before deciding to become donors, students are a little timid and fearful. The organizers of the campaign often have to dispel students' myths and fears. However, a cup of sweet tea gradually melts away students' anxiety. After the procedure, students usually wear a wide smile. And what could be better than a sincere smile on gloomy autumn days?
If you were unable to participate in the promotion
First of all, we invite you to enjoy the VMU Student Donors Honor Board (Faculty of Humanities, 1st floor lobby), which contains moments from blood donation campaigns organized this fall. However, if you are not calm and are really determined to become a blood donor, we invite you to visit the Faculty of Social Sciences on October 27 from 10:00 to 15:00. The last blood donation campaign organized by VMU SA this year will take place there. Join us too!