VMU Student Parliament elected (supplemented)

The students of Vytautas the Great University (VDU) elected the Student Parliament. 92 candidates participated in the elections, of which 65 became student representatives in the parliament.
This year, student participation in the elections reached about 121 TP3T - 939 students cast their votes in the elections. "We are happy that this year we had three times more student activity than last year," says Greta Šmaižytė, chairperson of the VDU SA Board. - "The number of applicants, especially foreign students, was also higher."
The representatives of the Faculty of Humanities were elected after repeated elections, the representatives of the Academy of Education - after counting the results of the Vocational Pedagogy students.
in 2020 VDU Student Parliament election results:
Total number of students who voted in the primary vote: 939
Faculty of Humanities (7 representatives):
Supplemented with the results of the re-voting
To the VMU Student Parliament got into:
- Beata Kazlauskaitė (18 votes)
- Martynas Butkus (17 votes)
- Emilija Talutytė (16 votes)
- Antanas Varnas (13 votes)
- Emil Starodubov (11 votes in primary voting, 37 votes in repeated voting)
- Joana Gasiulytė (11 votes in the initial voting, 21 votes in the repeated voting)
- Monika Ražauskaitė (11 votes in the initial voting, 17 votes in the repeated voting)
To the VMU Student Parliament didn't get in:
- Silvija Malinauskaitė (11 votes in the initial voting, 12 votes in the repeated voting)
- Ieva Vengrovskaya (11 votes in the initial voting, 10 votes in the repeated voting)
- Justas Korsakov (10 votes)
- Lina Stumbrytė (7 votes)
- Augustas Pinkevičius (5 votes)
- Rokas Rudys (4 votes)
Faculty of Informatics (4 representatives):
To the VMU Student Parliament got into:
- Vytautas Valaitis (22 votes)
- Daraab Pathania (19 votes)
- Matas Čepurna (18 votes)
- Laurynas Samajauskas (11 votes)
To the VMU Student Parliament didn't get in:
- Toma Rasiukevičiūtė (6 votes)
Faculty of Arts (5 representatives):
To the VMU Student Parliament got into:
- Erikas Svirskas (9 votes)
- Justė Žiukaitė (9 votes)
- Gabriele Arlauskaitė (7 votes)
- Simas Zabulis (7 votes)
- Monika Terzytė (6 votes)
To the VMU Student Parliament didn't get in:
- Gerda Jakutytė (5 votes)
- Andreja Taranda (5 votes)
- Deimantė Patumsytė (3 votes)
- Erika Sinkevičiūtė (3 votes)
- Gabriele Rimaitė (2 votes)
- Viktorija Zaveckaitė (1 vote)
- Aistė Balazaitė (1 vote)
- Antanina Macelytė (0 votes)
Academy of Music (2 representatives):
To the VMU Student Parliament got into:
- Martynas Stankevičius (8 votes)
- Dovydas Valikonis (3 votes)
Faculty of Political Sciences and Diplomacy (6 representatives):
To the VMU Student Parliament got into:
- Raminta Milašiūtė (33 votes)
- Dainius Daukša (21 votes)
- Svitlana Akimova (14 votes)
- Gabriele Marazaitė (14 votes)
- Manvydas Džiaugys (10 votes)
- Greta Rimaitė (10 votes)
To the VMU Student Parliament didn't get in:
- Gabriele Šturmaitė (9 votes)
- Maka Berulava (8 votes)
- Paul Sun (6 votes)
- Justina Šišaitė (5 votes)
- Narkhan Tazhmagambetov (3 votes)
Faculty of Social Sciences (6 representatives):
To the VMU Student Parliament got into:
- Tadas Petrulis (28 votes)
- Karolina Šukytė (15 votes)
- Viktorija Vasiliauskaitė (12 votes)
- Victoria Elizabeta Lont (10 votes)
- Emilija Savickaitė (9 votes)
- Emilija Drabužinskaitė (9 votes)
To the VMU Student Parliament missed:
- Ben Baranovskis (5 votes)
- Ieva Kairienė (6 votes)
- Aistė Paulauskytė (4 votes)
- Monika Vishnevska (4 votes)
- Linas Mazgeika (0 votes)
Academy of Agriculture (8 representatives):
To the VMU Student Parliament got into:
- Gabriele Grybaitė (20 votes)
- Mintare Baniulytė (17 votes)
- Ugnė Diliūnaitė (13 votes)
- Vytautas Reingardts (13 votes)
- Ilona Černovaitė (12 votes)
- Mindaugas Baškevičius (9 votes)
- Jūratė Jurevičiūtė (7 votes)
- Edita Aleksaitė (6 votes)
Faculty of Natural Sciences (4 representatives):
To the VMU Student Parliament got into:
- Xhoni Dalipi (18 votes)
- Martynas Jasas (18 votes)
- Gabriele Zuokaitė (16 votes)
- Žygymantas Fokts (11 votes)
To the VMU Student Parliament missed:
- Silvija Topkasova (9 votes)
- Daniel Macichin (3 votes)
Faculty of Law (4 representatives):
To the VMU Student Parliament got into:
- Aurimas Kavaliauskas (24 votes)
- Ieva Ožiūnaitė (20 votes)
- Martynas Matusevičius (11 votes)
- Ieva Sinevičiūtė (10 votes)
To the VMU Student Parliament missed:
- Austė Skaisgirytė (4 votes)
Faculty of Economics and Management (6 representatives):
To the VMU Student Parliament got into:
- Aistė Bielevičiūtė (14 votes)
- Paulius Vaitiekus (12 votes)
- Gintarė Jurelytė (6 votes)
- Rokas Miltenis (5 votes)
- Rytis Sidarevičius (2 votes)
- Aleksas Wilkas (2 votes)
Academy of Education (8 representatives):
Supplemented with Vocational Pedagogy students' voting results
To the VMU Student Parliament got into:
- Saulė Balsytė (27 votes)
- Karina Krošilovaitė (16 votes)
- Gustė Žukauskaitė (14 votes)
- Amanda Alesiūtė (13 votes)
- Santa Vozbutaitė (9 votes)
- Gabriele Jonuskaitė (7 votes)
- Teodora Marija Grigaitė (7 votes)
- Karolina Rodaitytė (6 votes)
To the VMU Student Parliament missed:
- Dalius Gudeika (4 votes)
- Erika Dervinytė (1 vote)
Doctoral students (2 representatives):
- Ramune Slizytė (16 votes)
- Žygymantas Menchenkovas (12 votes)
The VMU Student Parliament is the highest governing body of the Student Representation (SA). Its members adopt, supplement and amend the statutes, regulations and procedural rules of VDU SA. Also, members of parliament elect and dismiss the president of VDU SA by secret ballot, consider and approve the activity and financial reports of VDU SA. Members of the Student Parliament are responsible for solving the problems of VMU students and answering the questions that arise.