Academic holidays

You can take an academic holiday (study break) without losing your student status:

  • Undergraduate and postgraduate student – may take an academic holiday of absence for sickness, on the recommendation of a doctor or a medical advisory board, or for pregnancy and childbirth, or for parental care, indefinitely, and for personal reasons once during the period of study .
  • The conditions for taking academic holidays for postgraduate students shall be the same as for undergraduate and full-time students.

Academic leave lasts for one year and always ends at the beginning of the autumn or spring semester, regardless of when it is granted. Academic leave may be terminated earlier, but the date of return to studies must be the beginning of the semester.

To take academic holidays, you need to contact the dean of the faculty in which you are studying or the Registrar of the Academy and fill in an application form, stating the reasons for taking the academic holiday.

Academic leave may be taken no earlier than the end of the first semester and no later than two weeks before the start of the session.

Well, you don't lose your student status when you go on academic holidays.

Yes, you can take academic holidays if you have debt. You can repeat individual courses in which you have debts during your academic holidays by paying for the repetition in credits according to the volume of the courses you are taking.

The number of debts that can be carried: 2 for full-time and full-time students, 3 for part-time students.

No, for students receiving a grant who are on academic holidays, the payment of the grant is suspended from the month in which the dean of the faculty or the Chancellor of the Academy issues the academic holiday decree.

However, you may receive a grant on returning from academic holidays, provided that you meet the criteria for the grants awarded in the current semester and without paying for the period for which the grant has already been paid prior to the date of the academic holiday.

Before the beginning of the semester, he/she must submit a request to the Dean of the Faculty or the Registrar of the Academy to return from academic holidays.

If you do not return or do not return on time from your academic leave, you will be removed from the student list one month after the return date. You can only withdraw voluntarily while on academic holidays until the end of the academic holiday period.

Removal from the student list and termination of the study contract may be:

  • at the request of the student;
  • for failure to complete the course, if you have three or more debts in different subjects, ie your final marks in the course are less than 5;
  • Failure to pay tuition fees on time in accordance with the Rector's description of the procedure for the conclusion of contracts and the payment and repayment of tuition fees and contributions;
  • not registered for the semester's courses or the minimum required;
  • not having returned from academic leave;
  • not having defended or not having defended the thesis;
  • at the end of the contract period;
  • for failure to comply with the terms of the contract;
  • for violation of the Statutes of the University, internal regulations.

If you have any further questions, please contact akademai@vdusa.lt.

A, B subjects

It is recommended that you take the compulsory Group A courses in the first four semesters, ie two years of study.

You must choose at least one study subject from all four study area subgroups (at least 16 credits), without choosing a subject that is in the same field of study as the study program you are studying. You need to choose one subject from the following subgroups of study areas:

  1. Natural, technological and agricultural sciences;
  2. Humanitarian sciences;
  3. Social sciences;
  4. Arts.

For example, if you are studying the study program of Lithuanian Philology and Publishing, you cannot choose the Group A subject "Literature" of the same field of study.

However, depending on the degree program, exceptions may apply. If you encounter any ambiguities, please contact us by e-mail at akademai@vdusa.lt

You must choose at least 12 credits and no more than 24 credits from the foreign language subgroup, which consists of compulsory courses in English and other foreign languages taught at the university.

You must choose your English language level according to the following rules:

  1. If you have started your English language studies at a level higher than A1, you must have reached level C1 in academic English;
  2. if you have started your English language studies from level A1, you must have reached level B2 of academic English;

with competencies in Academic English C1, you must study English at a higher level or other foreign languages for a minimum of 12 credits but not more than 24 credits.

The level of English is determined by the results of an English language test taken at the Institute of Foreign Languages (UKI) and the English grades on the school leaving certificate. You can opt out of the English language placement test if you score 90 per cent or more on the English VBE. You will then study English by taking any English subject at C1 or C1/C2 level. C1 level competence is credited to students who provide evidence of C1 level competence (standardized English language tests or certificates of completion of education in English).

Yes, you must have studied English at a higher level or other foreign languages for a minimum of 12 credits and a maximum of 24 credits after you start university and you have academic English C1 level competencies.

Examples of options:

  1. If you have passed the English language test and your competencies are at level A1, you will need to reach level B2 of Academic English, which means you will need to study levels A1, A2, B1, B2.
  2. If you have passed the English language test and your competencies are at level B1, you will need to reach level C1 of Academic English, which means that you will have to take English B1, B2 and C1.
  3. If you pass the national English language exam with 90% or more, you can take the test and take level C1 and study any language at least at level 2, or if you don't, you can study level C1 English and any other foreign language .

The remaining free credits can be used to study English at a level above C1, other foreign languages or free electives (group B subjects).

Group B – alternative introductory courses in fields of study taught in a different study program from the one the student is studying. The credits allocated to this group (16 credits) may be used freely to choose subjects from both Group B and Group A. The list of subjects is published each academic year.

For example, if you are studying the Lithuanian Philology and Publishing program, you cannot choose the same subject in group A, Literature, and group B, Foundations of Modern Linguistics.

However, exceptions may apply depending on the study program. If you are unsure, please contact us at akademai@vdusa.lt.

Yes, you can choose not to take any of the subjects from the list of subjects in group B, but you can take other free-choice subjects outside the program of study instead. If you are studying in a co-curricular or Academia cum laude individual study program, you can use the credits allocated to Group B to study the subjects in your program of study, ie the subjects and credits from the co-curricular or individual study program will take the place of the Group B subjects in the study plan.

You must study a computer literacy course (4 credits) if:

  1. do not hold an ECDL certificate;
  2. you have not passed the national matriculation examination in information technology with a pass mark;
  3. you have not taken or failed a computer literacy test organized by the University.

Study timetables can be found at the following link. https://www.vdu.lt/lt/studijos/tvarkarasciai/

If you have any further questions, please contact akademai@vdusa.lt.

Minor studies

You can choose your side studies freely, you can start from any semester, taking into account the possibilities of completing them on time.

To choose a related study, you must apply to the dean of the faculty in which you are studying or to the Registrar of the Academy. The request must be submitted no later than the start of registration for the next semester.

You are free to choose a related study program from the list of related study programs offered during the academic year, not necessarily from your faculty or academy.

Yes, you can, but you can study one chosen minor studies program for free, and you can study the second and more minor studies program modules as a listener by paying for your studies.

You may withdraw from the minor studies after the end of the first semester. To terminate the minor studies, you must submit a reasoned request to the Dean of your faculty or the Registrar of the Academy. You will be withdrawn from your studies by order of the Rector, on the recommendation of the Dean or the Registrar.

You may withdraw if you have debts, but debts from related subjects are not canceled and must be settled by resuming the same subject or by choosing any other subject from the list of the university's artes liberales subjects and by paying the fixed fee in accordance with the procedure for the payment and refund of tuition fees approved by the Rector.

If you have interrupted your minor studies and wish to resume them, you must apply to the dean of the faculty in which you are studying or to the Chancellor of the Academy to resume your studies free of charge for the same related study program.

If you withdraw from a minor study program and wish to study another minor study program, you must pay for the credits of the newly selected minor study program that you have already used in the withdrawn minor study program.

The subjects of parallel studies are counted towards the overall average of the semester.

According to the procedure from 2017 The credits of the associate studies program count towards the total number of study credits. The volume of parallel studies is 40 or 60 credits. As the main study program, university liberal arts study subjects can be counted as subjects of the parallel study program. A student who has freely chosen to study additional studies uses the credits allocated to university liberal arts group B study subjects for these studies.

If designed in the study program, ieie 60 credits are provided for and indicated in the study programs for parallel studies (including pedagogy parallel studies for obtaining a pedagogue's qualification). If the study program does not provide for side studies and students choose side studies outside of the study program, the scope of such studies is no more than 40 credits.

No, upon completion of minor studies, a certificate of associate studies is issued.

If you have any further questions, please contact akademai@vdusa.lt.


You must take a minimum of 24 and a maximum of 36 credits per semester.

The recommended duration of one year of study is 60 credits.

If you are studying in a co-curricular or individual program, you can exceed the 36-credit limit, but you cannot take more than 42 credits per semester and you have to apply to the Dean's Office.

If you register for fewer than the allowed number of credits (24 credits), or do not register at all, you will be dropped from the list of students and your study contract will be terminated. You may take fewer credits only for objective reasons, with the permission of the Dean of the Faculty or the Registrar of the Academy.

The cost of the credit is calculated according to the cost of the study program, so this question can be answered by the administration of the faculty where you are studying or the academy.

If you have any further questions, please contact akademai@vdusa.lt.

Tuition fees

If you are admitted to a non-state-funded place, you must pay for the autumn semester by 30 September and for the spring semester by 30 February.

Yes, it is possible to pay for your studies in installments. For non-state-funded students, 50% of the tuition fee for the autumn semester must be paid by 10 September and the remaining 50% by 10 November. For non-state-funded students, 50% of the tuition fee for the spring semester must be paid by February 10 and the remaining 50% by April 10.

You can pay for your studies by logging in to the Student Portal, by indicating the amount you want to pay in the "Fees" section, you will be automatically redirected to the UAB Paysera payment environment, where you can immediately pay the amount by selecting the desired bank institution, payment intermediary or bank card and logging in to your bank account. The fee offset will be visible immediately (up to 1 working day for payments via a payment intermediary) after the payment is made when you return to the Student Portal.

Yes, other people (for example, parents) can do this too. In this case, after logging in to your Student Portal and specifying the amount you want to pay in the "Fees" section, you will be automatically redirected to the payment environment of Paysera UAB, where you need to select the "Other payment systems" option and choose your preferred fee payment agent from the options available. The generated fee must be printed or saved and sent to the person who will pay the fee. The fee settlement will be visible in the Student Portal until 1 working day after the payment date.

If it is the case that the tuition fee will be paid by a legal person (eg a company), then you will need to contact the person responsible at the University's Finance Department via email vilma.aleksandraviciene@vdu.lt.

When you stop your studies, you will receive a warning letter from the Foundation and you will have to hand in your study bag within three years from that date.

In the event of termination of studies or expulsion from the University, the student must reimburse 50 per cent of the annual tuition fee for the current year of the study program, up to a maximum of the standard tuition fee approved by the Ministry of Education and Science, but no more than:

  • 30 BSI (1 BSI = EUR 49) – for persons who have studied bachelor programs.
  • 50 BSI for persons studying master's programs or non-degree programs in education for the qualification of teacher.
  • 70 BSI for persons following doctoral programs (including post-graduate studies in the arts) or non-degree residency programs in a relevant field of study.

Tuition fee reimbursement is available to students who are studying or have studied in undergraduate and postgraduate programs. The State budget shall reimburse the cost of the tuition fee actually paid, or part thereof. The University shall draw up and submit to the State Study Fund by 20 October of the current year a list of students and graduates who are entitled to reimbursement of the tuition fee paid for studies.

The State Fund for Studies shall inform the persons who have been awarded a refund of the tuition fee by sending a notification to the person's e-mail address provided by the University:

  • vardas.pavarde@stud.vdu.lt, the email address assigned to the student(s) by the University;
  • for graduates, the email address indicated in the ALUMNI information in the Student Billing System (STAUNIS) of the VMU, or, if no email address has been indicated, the email address assigned by the University vardas.pavarde@alumni.vdu.lt.

More information: https://www.vdu.lt/lt/vdu-studentams/finansine-parama/kita-parama/

If at least two people:

  • have the same best weighted average, the person who has completed the relevant period of study at the place of study not funded by the State and has the higher weighted average in the subjects of his/her specialization shall be given priority in the list.
  • have identical best weighted averages in the special subject, priority in the list shall be given to the person who has completed the corresponding period of study at the place of study not funded by the State and who has the highest academic (scientific or artistic) achievements during that period.
  • If the academic (scientific or artistic) achievements of the persons concerned are equivalent in the field of the profession in which they are studying, and they have the same average grade in the specialized subjects, priority in the list shall be given to those persons who have been more actively involved in the University's activities during the period concerned.

Tuition fees change every year. The University's annual undergraduate and postgraduate tuition fees for 2023/2024:


Yes, the National Study Fund administers the granting and disbursement of state-supported loans to students. This type of guaranteed loan is provided from credit funds and is available in several situations:

  • to pay the tuition fees (for an academic year or semester);
    living expenses;
  • partial payment of studies under international agreements.

To apply for a state-supported loan, you need to fill in an application form, which can be found on the website of the State Tuition Fund. For more information: https://vsf.lrv.lt/

If you receive a state-supported loan, you must start repaying it no later than one year after you finish your studies. The repayment period is 15 years.

If you have any further questions, please contact soc@vdusa.lt


This is the exchange (rotation) of students from/to a state-funded place/non-state-funded place.

The rotation takes place before the start of the autumn semester, at the end of the summer. The assessment period is one academic year.

A student whose undergraduate and postgraduate studies are state-funded shall retain the state funding at the end of the study year if his/her study achievements meet the criteria of a well-performing student as set out in the Law on Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Lithuania, ie, he/she does not have any academic debts, he/she has met all the requirements of his/her studies in the period of the assessment and he/she has attained the level of an excellent or a typical student

A student who has academic debts or whose academic performance meets a threshold level will forfeit state funding for studies. The student(s) who has forfeited State funding shall pay the tuition fee set out in the University's admission rules in the year of admission, and the vacant State-funded place shall be taken by the student(s) who best fulfills the criteria for good academic performance in the same field of study, in the same course of study, and according to the same form of study in a non-State-funded place.

For more information, please see the description of the rotation procedure: https://www.vdu.lt/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Rotacijos-tvarka.pdf

If you have any further questions, please contact akademai@vdusa.lt.

Registration for subjects

Registration for undergraduate, postgraduate, full-time, professional and visiting students for the autumn semester 2023/2024 will take place from 25 to 29 August, with the exception of first-year undergraduate and full-time students. For these students, registration will take place on August 31.

The second and final round of course registration will take place on 2-5 September, when it will be possible to revise course registrations: to withdraw from courses you do not wish to take and to enroll in lectures, seminars and laboratory courses for which there are still spaces available.

The academic calendar for the academic year can be found here – https://www.vdu.lt/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/2023-2024-akademinis-rektoratui-projektas-skelbimui.pdf

Yes, you have to register yourself for specialized (Group C) subjects. Registration takes place in the Student Portal.

Yes, if the course includes seminars, laboratory work and exercises in addition to lectures, you must register for all the classes in the course. Registration takes place in the Student Portal.

You need to check that you have entered the correct title and type of course (lecture, seminar, exercise, laboratory, coursework, practice, etc.). If you still can't find the subject, you can try searching by the name of the lecturer(s) (this can be found next to the subject in the timetable).

Yes, you have to register for the coursework yourself.

No, students are registered for bachelor's and master's theses by department supervisors.

Registration for the next semester's courses is done via the Student Portal. Registration can only be done electronically.

You can find the timetable for your courses in the Student Portal.

Well, it can't. Enrollment in courses and cancellation of enrollment can only be done by logging in to the Student Portal yourself. Failure to register for courses does not entitle the student to take midterm tests and examinations, and failure to register for the minimum number of credits per semester will result in a warning email and the student will be removed from the student list after the first month of the semester.

You can if you have available credits and are not interested in Group B subjects. However, the group C subjects must be from a different study program to the one the student is studying.

Yes, you have to register for the course yourself, in the semester in which it is taught. You will also need to pay for it. Registration for courses takes place on the Student Portal (www.studentas.vdu.lt).

If you have any further questions, please contact akademai@vdusa.lt.

Exams and colloquiums

Anyone who has failed an examination (with a grade below 5) or who has failed to attend an examination for a valid reason is entitled to retake the examination once. The retake is free of charge.

If you receive a negative mark (less than 5), you may retake the colloquium once free of charge, but at the latest within 3 weeks of the due date. If a subject has more than one colloquium, only the one with the highest weighting may be retaken.

Failure to attend an examination or other assessment without a valid excuse, or dishonesty at the time of the examination or other assessment, shall not result in the examination or other assessment being rescheduled or retaken at another time.

If you fail the exam, you have the right to retake it once free of charge. If, after retaking the exam, the final grade in the course is less than 5, you will incur a debt for the course and will have to repeat your studies in that course, paying the cost of the credits as determined by the Rector's order.

Re-sits shall be organized by the relevant units at the end of the examination session, at a time specified in the academic calendar. The timetable of resit examinations shall be published by the units on the Student Portal (studentas.vdu.lt) and on the notice boards of the faculties and departments or equivalent units at least two days prior to the date set for the resit examination.

To postpone (delay) an examination session, the student must contact the Dean of his/her Faculty or the Registrar of the Academy, who will decide whether the session can be postponed. The postponement of the examination session is possible: for the autumn semester no later than March 1, for the spring semester no later than August 31. If you wish to postpone the examination session for a longer period, the Vice-Rector of Studies will decide. The examination session may not be postponed.

In this case, you should contact the Dean of your Faculty or the Registrar of the Academy and ask for one exam to be postponed.

If you are unable to attend the examination(s) during the session for valid reasons, the Dean of the Faculty or the Chancellor of the Academy may, by decree, postpone the examination(s) in question: for the autumn semester, until 1 March at the latest; for the spring semester, until 31 August at the latest. The student or his/her authorized persons must inform the student of the reasons for the absence before the end of the examination session. You must submit a reasoned request, with supporting documents, to the Dean or the Registrar of the Academy for permission to take the examination at a different time within two working days of the end of the period for which you were unable to attend.

Yes, the doctor's note is an official document justifying the missed exam.

If you disagree with the assessment of the lecturer(s), you may appeal to the dean of the faculty in which you are studying or to the Chancellor of the Academy, in accordance with the Appeal Procedures approved by the Rector.

You have the right to appeal against the assessment of the results of your studies and against irregularities in settlement procedures.

The student has the right to appeal within 5 working days after the grade is published on the Student Portal (studentas.vdu.lt).

Academic debt is incurred when the final grade in the subject is unsatisfactory (4 or less) after retaking the exam (except for VMU Faculty of Law students, they incur academic debt when they do not obtain a satisfactory grade in the Law subject exam, ie 5.) Also for dishonesty in any settlement when a final grade of 0 (zero) is entered in the transcript of results. In this case, the student or student participant shall not participate in any further settlements in the course, the course shall be suspended, and academic debt shall be credited.

The cost of repeating a course that has not been taken is determined by the dean's office or department. It depends on the number of credits, the year of enrollment of the student and the program of study to which the failed subject belongs. The fee must be paid before the subject can be retaken.

You will be removed from the student list and your study contract will be terminated:

  • at the request of the student;
  • for failure to complete the course if he/she has three or more debts in three or more different subjects, ie final grades in the subject are less than 5 (five);
  • failure to pay tuition fees on time, in accordance with the description of the procedure for the conclusion of contracts and the payment and reimbursement of tuition fees and charges approved by the Rector;
  • not having registered for the semester's courses or the minimum required;
  • not having returned from academic leave;
  • not having defended or not having successfully defended the final thesis;
  • at the end of the contract period;
  • for failure to comply with the terms of the contract;
  • for violation of the Statutes of the University, internal regulations.

Yes. Credit may be given for prior learning outcomes when repeating a subject. When repeating a course, you can choose between repeating the whole course and paying the full tuition fee for the course you are repeating, or you can take credit for the positive results of previous midterm assessments and repeat only the parts of the course that were negatively assessed. In this case, you have only paid for the parts of the course you are repeating, except in cases where the student's behavior has been recorded as dishonest. In order to make up the pass mark in the mid-term, a request must be made to the Dean of the Faculty or the Registrar of the Academy indicating which parts you wish to make up.

Yes, you can repeat individual courses in which you had debts during the academic holidays by paying for the repetition in credits according to the number of courses you are taking.

If you have any further questions, please contact akademai@vdusa.lt.


  1. Conclude a Study Agreement;
  2. Reserve a place in a dormitory by selecting it from the list of available places on the Student Portal (studentas.vdu.lt) under "Dormitories";
  3. Receive a confirmation of the reservation (assignment) of the selected accommodation to the specified email account;
  4. Within 5 working days at the latest, enter into an accommodation contract in the student portal (studentas.vdu.lt);
  5. If the accommodation is for the entire period of study, you must move into the allocated accommodation within the deadline set by the Student Affairs Department;
  6. Where the residence is for the current academic year, the student must move into the dormitory within 5 working days of the date of the assignment.
  • Students who have been placed under guardianship (custody) before reaching the age of majority, or whose parents (or only parent) are deceased;
  • Students with individual needs (if these students require the assistance of an accompanying person, with the permission of the Director of Student Affairs, the accompanying persons may live in the Residence Hall);
  • Students from families with 3 or more children, provided they are at least 25 years old;
  • Students with a deceased parent;
  • Students from families who have declared their place of residence further away from Kaunas City Municipality.

If the accommodation contract is for a period of more than 2 months, payment for the current month must be made by the 15th calendar day of the current month.

If the contract is for a period of less than 2 months (inclusive), the allocated fee for the entire period of accommodation provided for in the accommodation contract must be paid within 1 day of the date of arrival at the accommodation

If you pay your own taxes:

  1. Log in to your studentas.vdu.lt portal;
  2. Go to the "Fees" tab and specify the amount you want to pay;
  3. The system will automatically redirect you to the UAB Paysera payment environment, where you can immediately pay the amount of your VDU by selecting your existing card or bank and logging in to your bank.

The charge will be visible immediately after the payment when you go back to the studentas.vdu.lt environment or when you log in to the studentas.vdu.lt system again.

If you have another person (eg dad, mum, etc.) paying your fees for you:

  1. Login to your studentas.vdu.lt portal;
  2. Go to the "Taxes" tab and specify the amount you want to pay;
  3. The system will automatically redirect you to the payment environment of UAB "Paysera", where you need to select the "Other payment systems" option and choose the desired fee payment intermediary from the available ones;
  4. Print or save the generated fee and send it to the person who will pay the fee for you.

The fee offset will be visible in studentas.vdu.lt until 1 working day after the payment date.

If another legal entity (eg company, organization, etc.) pays your tax for you:

You should contact the responsible VMU Finance Department staff member at vilma.aleksandraviciene@vdu.lt for payment of the assigned taxes before paying them.

Every semester, the Student Affairs Department organizes a competition for tax incentives for students living in university halls of residence.

The following are eligible for the hostel fee reduction:

  • social/material situation;
  • the average of the last session of courses taken for credit (for first-year students, the entrance competition score), which must be at least 8 points;
  • the type of dormitory and the type of room in which you live (IMPORTANT: students living in a single dormitory are not eligible).

To apply for the tax benefits through the competition, you must fill in the application form electronically on the VMU Student Portal, which is published at the time of the competition, together with documents about the student's social situation and other documents relevant to the tax benefits .

All information about dormitories is also available on the website – https://apgyvendinimas.vdu.lt/en/home/

If you have any further questions, please contact soc@vdusa.lt

Emotional support

VMU Psychology Clinic, provides the following free professional consultations:

  • Individual counseling for university students who are experiencing various psychological difficulties, either in person or electronically. In order to receive these counseling sessions, it is necessary to register in advance by email: psikologijos.klinika@vdu.lt.
  • Couples psychological counseling for couples where at least one member is a university student. These counseling sessions are only available if both members of the couple agree to the counseling. Advance registration is required. To register for counselling, please email: psikologijos.klinika@vdu.lt
  • Psychological counseling on work and career issues for all members of the university community who are experiencing difficulties at work or in their career path. Pre-registration is required at: psikologijos.klinika@vdu.lt
  • Psychological support groups for students experiencing difficult emotions. Pre-registration is required at: justina.slavinskienė@vdu.lt (https://psichologijosklinika.vdu.lt/subject/psichologines-paramos-grupes/)
  • Self-help program for students who are experiencing difficulties or want to make a change in their lives, offering a computer-based "Personal Change Programme".

Clinic of Psychology is located at the Faculty of Social Sciences of VMU, Jonavos st. 66, Kaunas, in auditoriums 326 and 327. Before arriving, we invite you to familiarize yourself with informed consent form, which contains information about the counseling process.

Pastoral care:

  • Academic tutoring helps take care of spiritual needs. Pastoral care offers a wide selection of activities: it is possible to talk about God in a scientific and academic perspective, thus opening up the opportunity to get to know Christ anew and more deeply, to cultivate Christian decisiveness and responsibility, to encourage students for mature friendship, accepting everyone as he is.

Academic pastoral care is located at the Faculty of Political Sciences and Diplomacy, V. Putvinskio Street 23-104, Kaunas. You can also follow VDU's pastoral activities in virtual space. information about their activities can be found on the VDU academic pastoral care Facebook account: VDU academic pastoral care, or contact sielovada.vdu@gmail.com, sielovada@vdu.lt

All members of the university community (teachers, administrative staff, students) who are experiencing emotional experiences and cannot find answers to the questions can apply. Consultations and classes for members of the university community nothing does not cost

If you have more questions, please contact us by e-mail. by post soc@vdusa.lt

Scholarships and benefits

Eligible for the following scholarships:

  1. Incentive scholarship;
  2. Social scholarship;
  3. Mobility grant;
  4. One-time scholarships;
  5. Scholarships for doctoral students;
  6. university rector's scholarship;
  7. Target scholarship;
  8. Foreign Lithuanian scholarship;
  9. Scholarships established by patrons of the University.

You can find more about scholarships here:

  • For first-cycle students of permanent, continuous study forms and integrated studies, whose competitive entrance score is greater than or equal to 8,500.
  • For students of second cycle studies, permanent study forms and professional studies, whose competitive entrance score is equal to 10,000 points.
  • For students of the first cycle of permanent studies and integrated studies with an average of 10,000 points in the last session.
  • For students of the second cycle of permanent studies and professional studies, whose average of the last session is 10,000 points and who are actively involved in scientific or artistic activities related to the studied study program. 
  • Incentive scholarships for students of the first, second and professional studies of the continuous study forms of the Education and Agricultural Academies.

Incentive scholarships are awarded twice a year and paid once a month:

  • in the autumn semester - from September 1. until January 31
  • in the spring semester - from February 1. until June 30

Yes, the following incentive scholarships are awarded to first-year, first-semester students:

  • Incentive scholarships in the amount of 2 BSI (1 BSI = EUR 49) with a competitive entrance score greater than or equal to 8.500 (eight and a half) points, except for those students who have been awarded a university study scholarship to cover the cost of studies . 
  • Incentive scholarships in the amount of 1.3 BSI (1 BSI = EUR 49) are awarded to students of the first semester of full-time studies at the Academies of Education and Agriculture, whose competitive entrance score in the first stage of study is greater than or equal to 8,500 (eight and a half), in the second cycle of studies and professional studies - 10,000 (ten) points, except for those students who were awarded a university scholarship to cover the tuition fee.

You can find out whether you have received an incentive scholarship by visiting the Student portal (www.studentas.vdu.lt), selecting the section Studies -> Orders.

If you are awarded an incentive scholarship, you do not need to apply anywhere, the most important thing is that the bank account details are entered in studentas.vdu.lt portal. 

For students going to study at foreign universities under study exchange programs, an incentive scholarship is awarded for the first semester of study in a competitive manner based on the average of the study results of the last session at the university. 

For students who have returned from studies under the study exchange program, the incentive scholarship is awarded in a competitive manner based on the results of the last semester of study at a foreign university and is paid from the date of crediting of these results at the university in the following order:

  • from the first day of the current month, if the student's study results of the last semester at a foreign university are credited to the university until the 15th day of the current month;
  • from the first day of the next calendar month, if the student's study results of the last semester at a foreign university are credited after the 15th day of the current month.

The targeted scholarship can be awarded in accordance with the procedure regulated by the documents of programs financed by EU structural and other funds. For more information on the awarding of targeted scholarships, please contact the academic departments. List of academic departments: https://www.vdu.lt/lt/akademiniai-padaliniai/.

A social grant in the amount of 6.5 BSI (basic social allowance) per month can be received by all students of the first, second, third cycle, integral and professional studies of higher education institutions who meet the criteria at the time of the application for the social grant ) at least one of the following criteria:

  1. are one of the persons living together or persons living alone who have the right to receive or are receiving social allowance according to the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Monetary Social Support for Indigent Residents;
  2. has a 45 percent or lower level of work capacity or a severe or moderate level of disability in accordance with the procedure established by legislation;
  3. are not older than 25 years old and have been assigned guardianship (care) until they reach adulthood according to the procedure established by law, or their parents (only parents) are dead.

Social scholarships are awarded by the State Study Fund. The application must be completed each semester HERE. Online banking is required to log in.

The University provides the following tax benefits to students:

  • Tuition fee relief, which can be granted to university students with a difficult social situation and subjects studied in the last session, after evaluating the credits, the average (for first-year students - entrance competitive score) is at least 8 points.
  • Accommodation tax relief, which can be granted depending on the student's social status, residence in the dormitory and subjects studied in the last session, after evaluating the credits, the average (for first-year students - entrance competitive score) is at least 8 points .

More detailed information on tax benefits: https://www.vdu.lt/lt/studijos/studiju-salygos-ir-aplinka/stipendijos-ir-parama/mokestines-lengvatos/

The concession may be awarded through a tender or non-tender process.

Allowances, which are awarded without tendering, are awarded in coordination with the president of the university's Student Representative Office and the director of the Student Affairs Department, in the following cases:

  • for achievements in scientific, artistic, creative, sports activities and/or active participation in social activities of the university.
  • at the student's request, through the mediation of the head of the relevant department, funds available from the university department.
  • for students without academic debts whose main place of work is the university, taking into account the reasoned request of the employee, through the mediation of the head of the relevant department.
  • for students arriving under international programs and projects and bilateral inter-institutional agreements.

If you have more questions, please contact us by e-mail. by post soc@vdusa.lt


  • You can consult directly at the Career Center (K. Donelaičio st. 52-108, Kaunas) or remotely (questions for consultation are sent by e-mail: karria@vdu.lt). Pre-registration is required for consultation.

    More information: http://karjera.vdu.lt/

All university students can consult on various career issues for free. 

  • career matters;
  • assistance in preparing a resume (CV), cover letter;
  • assistance in preparing for a job interview, internship or volunteering;
  • various career planning events: practical seminars, lectures, meetings with employers, Career Days, etc.;
  • familiarize yourself with volunteering and mentoring opportunities at the university;
  • offers for internships, volunteering and jobs.

If you have more questions, please contact us by e-mail. by post soc@vdusa.lt

Individual needs

Many university facilities are fully or partially adapted for students with mobility disabilities:

    • The external door to the main VDU building is automated;
    • VDU buildings are equipped with special elevators or wide elevators with audible announcements;
    • Auditoriums are equipped with special places for people in wheelchairs; 
    • There are parking spaces near the university building.

During registration for studies, you have the opportunity to create a study schedule that suits you personally, taking into account your individual needs.

In the departments of the university library located in various buildings of the university, you can find spaces equipped with special workplaces for students with individual needs. More information about the equipment in the libraries can be found here here.

Yes, you have to re-apply every semester to get them. The following scholarships and benefits are awarded:

  • Social scholarships - a scholarship in the amount of 6.5 BSI (1 BSI = 49 EUR) can be received by all students of the first, second, third cycle, integral and professional studies of higher education institutions. More information: https://vsf.lrv.lt/lt/studentams/soc-stipendijos 
  • Targeted payments - a benefit that can be received by students of higher education institutions operating in Lithuania and branches of foreign higher education institutions with disabilities.

More information:


In addition to the social grant and targeted allowance, a student with individual needs can receive a monthly special needs allowance from the Department of Disability Affairs. All disabled people can receive this benefit, even if their working capacity is higher than 45 percent.

Yes, you can get a state-supported loan if you have a working capacity of 45 percent or less. 

There are 3 types of state-sponsored loans: 

  • Loan to pay the tuition fee;
  • Loan for living expenses;
  • Loan for partial studies according to international (interagency) agreements.

Most often, students with individual needs receive a loan to pay the tuition fee and/or a loan to cover living expenses. If the application is completed in the September semester, the loan to pay the tuition fee can be granted to pay the fee for the entire academic year. In order to pay for the spring semester, a certificate of student status must be submitted to the bank and the remaining amount of the tuition fee is transferred to the university. If the application is completed in the spring, in this case it is possible to get a loan only to pay the tuition fee of the spring semester and only half of the maximum loan to cover living expenses. Applications - forms are filled out anew every academic year. 

More information: https://vsf.lrv.lt/lt/studentams/vrpaskolos

With a working capacity of 45 percent or less, you can get a state-sponsored loan to pay the tuition fee and/or cover living expenses. The State Study Fund can waive its return once. 

With individual needs, you may be exempted from repaying the loan if you have successfully completed your studies. For example, if you took out a loan while studying for a bachelor's degree, the loan can only be forgiven when you get your bachelor's degree. If a borrower(s) with a 45 percent or lower employability rate drops out or is expelled from a postsecondary institution, he/she or his/her representative is eligible apply to the commission established by order of the Fund's director and request exemption from the repayment of all or part of the state-sponsored loan. 

A student who has already been exempted from loan repayment can apply to the university and request a tuition fee discount. The tender for receiving tax benefits is announced publicly in the official on the university's website at the beginning of each study semester for the current study semester. The student must submit the form prescribed by the Department of Student Affairs by e-mail. the application (questionnaire) that is published during the tender and submit the necessary documents together with it.

More information about State-supported loans:


More information about study benefits:

https://www.vdu.lt/lt/vdu-jums/vdu-studentams/finansine-parama/mokestines-lengvatos/ https://www.vdu.lt/lt/konkursas-studiju-ir-apgyvendinimo-mokesciu-lengvatoms-gauti/

Yes, the university makes it possible to use the dedicated teaching/educational tools and facilities, so that later students with individual needs can take care of the materials needed for their studies.

Only a few university dormitories are adapted for students with mobility disabilities:

  • VDU dormitory no. 1 "Taika" (Address: Taikos pr. 119, Kaunas) and VDU dormitory no. 6 (Address: A. Vivulskio g. 36, Vilnius) is adapted for persons with mobility disabilities. On the first floor of the dormitory, there are 4 rooms adapted to meet the special needs of students. There is an adapted entrance to the dormitory for students with mobility impairments, i.e. there is a ramp. Reconstructed elevators allow students with disabilities access to all (except the laundry room) common areas located in the twelve-story dormitory.
  • VDU dormitory no. 2 "Baltija" (Address: Vytauto pr. 71, Kaunas) and VDU dormitory no. 5 (Address: Universiteteto g. 8, Akademia, Kaunas district) Dormitories are adapted for students with mobility disabilities. There is a ramp at the entrance to the dormitory, there are disabled rooms, toilets and showers on the second floor. Wide elevators allow disabled students access to all common areas.
  • All other VDU dormitories are suitable for resident(s) with mild or moderate physical disabilities (for example, those with diabetes, lupus, epilepsy, etc.). Unnamed dormitories are not adapted for students with mobility disabilities.

You can read more about university dormitories: https://apgyvendinimas.vdu.lt/bendrabuciai/vdu-bendrabutis-nr-1/

Students with individual needs living in a university dormitory and accompanying persons living with them can receive a 25, 50, 75 or 100 percent accommodation fee discount per semester. Students living in a single dormitory room are not exempted from the accommodation fee. Students applying for tax benefits through a tender must submit the form prescribed by the Department of Student Affairs by e-mail. the application (questionnaire) that is published during the competition in the official on the university website. 

More about this: https://www.vdu.lt/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Mokestini%C5%B3-lengvat%C5%B3-teikimo-ir-kompensacij%C5%B3-skyrimo-tvarkos-apra%C5%A1as.pdf

Yes, students with individual needs are not only able participate in the competition and be selected to go to Erasmus+ studies or practice abroad, but have the opportunity to receive additional funding, which will cover expenses incurred in connection with individual or special needs, during Erasmus+ internships or studies abroad. 

About additional support for the disabled: https://erasmus-plius.lt/programa/papildoma-parama-aukstojo-mokslo-studentams/ 

More information: https://www.smpf.lt/lt/ or by contacting VDU Department of International Relationsoh

Yes, to centrally help solve various problems in the university that students studying at the university with individual needs are faced by a responsible person of the university working Department of Student Affairs in the field of students with disabilities.

Head of Disability Affairs coordinator Miglė Janušauskaitė

If you have more questions, please contact us by e-mail. by post soc@vdusa.lt

Free time