The Teaching and Learning Assessment Questionnaire: Why is it important?

As at the end of each semester, Vytautas Didios University (VDU) students have the opportunity to express their opinion about the quality of studies, the work of teachers and their involvement. A survey was launched on the student portal, the purpose of which is to find out students' opinions, problems or suggestions related to teaching and studying. The survey is anonymous and can be completed until June 7.
Participating in the survey is important because its results help improve the quality of studies, promote awareness and community spirit among students and teachers, and student suggestions can help teachers prepare for the next semester of study. In addition, the best-rated teachers are rewarded, and an unfavorable rating guarantees solutions that will ensure that the causes of insufficient quality teaching are eliminated.
Gintarė Jurelytė, coordinator of the Academic Affairs Committee of the VMU Student Representation, says that participating in the survey is very important: "The results of the survey reveal how students evaluate the work of teachers, the organization of the study process and allow us to take appropriate actions to improve the quality of studies."
According to G. Jurelytė, appropriate measures will be taken if the teaching is evaluated negatively: "There are students who believe that the results of the survey will not change anything, but since the fall it has been clearly regulated that in cases of unfavorably evaluated teaching, recommendations are provided and actions are planned to help improve the quality of teaching. If the teaching is negatively evaluated for more than three semesters in a row, an extraordinary certification of the teacher may be initiated."
Alaina Štreimikytė, a first-year student at the Faculty of Political Sciences and Diplomacy of the VMU, agrees that this survey is important, because feedback provides an opportunity for teachers to improve: "Such surveys help teachers realize their mistakes and allow them to learn from them, and everyone is also pleased to hear positive feedback about themselves .”
Students are invited to actively participate in the survey and express their opinion In the student portal until June 7