Awarded members of the VDU community

At the V2 community Christmas and community members' awards "V2" celebration held yesterday, the Student Square tree was lit and 9 awards were presented to the best of VDU.
The celebration began with the academic choir "Vivere Cantus" singing the students' anthem, the VMU rector, prof. Juozas Augutis.
"Friendliest of the Year" the teacher's award was won by the Italian teacher of the Institute of Foreign Languages of VMU Stefano M. Lanza. In this category, he was nominated together with Faculty of Law lecturer Kęstučius Vitkauskas and Faculty of Arts lecturer Rimantas Plunge.
"Most creative of the year" Nemira Mačianskienė, a lecturer at the Institute of Foreign Languages, Kristijonas Jakubsonas, a lecturer at the Faculty of Political Sciences and Diplomacy, and Teresė Ringailienė, a lecturer at the Faculty of Humanities, applied to become lecturers. Collecting the winner's award K. Jakubson joked that maybe the students voted him the most creative because he once came to a lecture wearing a unicorn sweatshirt. "Less scrolling, more creativity!" - the lecturer wished the VDU community.
Asta Kazlauskienė, a lecturer at the Faculty of Humanities, Kristina Juraitė, a lecturer at the Faculty of Political Sciences and Diplomacy, and VDU librarians were nominated as "Aid of the Year". Won - VMU library employees. Come to collect the award Rita Bačėnaitė thanked the students: "We value you as our friends and we always look forward to seeing you."
The next nomination is "Volunteer of the Year" - established by the Department of Student Affairs. This award went to a student for the most volunteer hours for both campus activities and events Indra Baltakyte.
"Organization of the Year" applied to become the "Miguel de Cervantes Spanish Language and Culture Club", the VMU student creative group "Declamationes" and VDU basketball team. VDU basketball players won the award. While receiving the statuette, the team representative was happy that such organizations can grow at the university.
Rytis Pakrosnis, a lecturer at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Vitalija Truskauskaitė, a lecturer at the Faculty of Arts, and Asta Gustaitienė, a lecturer at the Faculty of Humanities, applied to become "The sense of humor of the year." The award has arrived Rykis Pakrosni.
"Innovator of the Year" Mindaugas Norkevičius, a lecturer at the Faculty of Political Sciences and Diplomacy, Vigilija Žiūraitė, a lecturer at the Institute of Foreign Languages, and Justinas Kisieliauskas, a lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Management, competed in the nomination. Won Justin Kisieliauskas.
The best "Lecture of the Year" applied to become "Interview Art and Practice" (lecturer Rytis Zemkauskas), "Gender Psychology" (lecturer Kristina Žardeckaitė-Matulaitienė) and "Entrepreneurship" (lecturer Osvaldas Stripeikis). The lecture of the year has been selected "Psychology of Gender". Receiving the award, K. Žardeckaitė-Matulaitienė was happy that after this course, students begin to evaluate a person in a different way, not based on appearance, and realize that each of us is unique and individual.
According to the 2019 the results of the "Evaluation of Teaching and Studying" survey of the spring semester were selected and "Teacher of the Year". She became an Italian language teacher at the Institute of Foreign Languages Vitaly Lanza. In her opinion, this award is intended for the entire VMU community: "I bow my head to the professors who taught responsibility and discipline, I also bow my head to the students whose criticism did not allow fall asleep and a good word inspired. I also bow my head to my colleagues, from whom I gain experience and wisdom."
The performers Vytenis Danielius and Isabella, the band "Begėdžiai" and the academic choir "Vivere Cantus" (conductor Rolandas Daugėla) performed during the awards ceremony. Christmas workshops, a photo session with Santa Claus and various activities took place in the lobby of the Great Hall.