Break a brick training impressions

Solveiga Skaisgirytė, a second-year student of sociology and anthropology at Vytautas Magnus University and a member of the Student Council, participated in the "Break a brick" training on social exclusion in Tallinn, the capital of Estonia, on November 8-15, and shares her impressions: "I went to training in Tallinn with the Erasmus+ program. The training was really useful and interesting. By using non-traditional methods, non-formal education methods, the organizers and teachers helped to understand the social reality more easily, to delve deeper into the situation in their country and in other parts of the European Union. The last days of training were dedicated to understanding how much we can do to reduce social exclusion in our country, motivated by the fact that by doing good deeds for the people around us every day, we are doing a lot and we are also setting an example for others."
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